i'm just an eXtrA ordiNary gIrlFriend Down the StreeT*** i hate braggers and airheads***i don't let aNyOne insult mE withOuT my pErmissIOn**if they do, i insults them back**
What's Your Dark Side? My Result: Going Too Far From swinging to dangerous heights on the jungle gym to buying that pricey sweater in every color, the one thing you can be depended on to do is, well, too much. It may not work out perfectly all the time, but you're the one who will try your hardest to go the farthest, and that's usually what it takes to get ahead. And we love it! After all, nobody ever changed the world by playing it safe.
Sure you take it easy sometimes, since you can't live life on the edge all the time. Still, everyone appreciates your grand gestures and big passions, and they can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Way to keep everyone guessing! What are you?