Words with razor tips |
Each word spoken with a smile,hidden in that false hope of humor.Blind, unable to see the sharp edges, each word slices like a fine knife.Thin, thou so powerful. I grasp for them to really understand ... Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 22:59:00 GMT |
Open eyes |
Life sometimes simplistic merry-go-round can become a complex obstacle course.It twists and turns like a serpent. Never sure of how fast it may move or how dangerous it may be.Night can become day and... Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 18:02:00 GMT |
Touch |
Longing for a real touch, a solid touch.One that isn't faked to achieve some hidden agenda of sexual desires.But one that alone, can make everything stopWhere the world hushes and nothing is heardFor... Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 16:58:00 GMT |
Am I in the wrong? |
Am I in the wrong to care so much?Am I in the wrong to trust so much?Am I truly in the wrong?When did being nice become a crime?When did having a heart mean you are weak?Am I in the wrong for how I wa... Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 15:36:00 GMT |
My Existence |
What purpose do I actually have here in the world?To most all I am is an ATM or Object.I have no feelings or if I do they don't matter enough to be cared for.No real solid purpose I can see at all. I ... Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 14:55:00 GMT |
Our World |
"I've got the world on a string" or so the song says.Life seems like that at times but at the end of that string lies a yo-yo we call fate.Just as an yo-yo life has its ups and downs.And sadly it can ... Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 16:59:00 GMT |
Club Life |
Lights flash to the beats of bass. As it shakes my body. Feeling like a strong heartbeat. As if the music were the only thing keeping me alive.Alcohol plays in my mind the same as a merry-go-round.Fee... Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 12:37:00 GMT |
What is this? |
The feeling I get when I see his smile....The tears that form when I see his eyes...The emotions that overcome me....The thoughts that come to me......The hopes that come rapidly.....The dreams that f... Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:40:00 GMT |
Is this reality? |
I sit here.....awake,... or so I think....am I really up at this hour? Am I really typing as we speak?If so why? What is so wrong that I must get up at this hour and express my confusion on this scree... Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:40:00 GMT |
What people think of me |
Conray James: i know this isnt going to make alot of sense, but im trying to figure it all out for myself.... there reason i go to you for alot of things as far as someone to talk to is i trust you an... Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:51:00 GMT |