About Me
In the middle of the 90s i started to produce electronical music with one of my friend - René. We called the project "No Label".
Then in 1999 i saw a didgeridoo and i wanted to learn that instrument.
Finally I started the music project Australopithecus with my friend Reyk, who is now known as Cha..ak .
After 6 years of working in that music project - which becomes a lot of members - there was some descrepancies in that group. So i had to leave my project. I felt sad and started to recreate myself.
Eoh Ganesh, my nickname, has two meanings. On one hand Eoh - thats one of the celtic runes which means "death and rebirth" - and on the other hand Ganesh.
In Hinduism, Ganesha is one of the best known and beloved representations of God. As the lord of beginnings and eliminator of obstacles, he is said to be the most worshipped divinity in India. Traditionally he is honored with affection at the start of any ritual or ceremony, even by devotees of other Hindu deities. Whether it is divali puja, a new vehicle, students praying before exams, beginning a business venture, sessions of bhajan (devotional chanting), or taking a trip, it is Ganesha they pray to. Throughout India and the Hindu culture, Ganesha is the first icon placed into any new home or abode. It is widely believed that "Wherever there is Ganesha, there is Success and Prosperity" and "Wherever there is Success and Prosperity there is Ganesha". He is the Lord of Obstacles both of a material and spiritual order. He is capable of placing obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked, and can remove blockages just as easily. By calling on him people believe that he will come to their aid and grant them success in their endeavours. He also is considered the god of intellect and wisdom. As the "Patron of Letters" he is invoked at the beginning of any writing.
Finally Eoh and Ganesha belong together.
Thats my music and i hope you..ll enjoy my style...
Recent Shows:
- "Feuerwache" (Magdeburg), Performance
- "Sweet Apple" and "Luzifer" (Luth. Wittenberg), Performance
- "Fanatic Drum'N'Bass", Feuerwache (Magdeburg)
- "Maya Mare", Water Park (Halle)
- "Werkleitz- Biennale" (Tornitz/ Werkleitz)
- "Moritzhof" (Magdeburg)
- "Caféte", Opening Party (Magdeburg)
- "Roten Zora" (Halberstadt)
- "Fichte" (Magdeburg)
- "Caféte" (Magdeburg)
- Founding of "Trommelgruppe KNAST" managed by Salomon Ngomane
- "Wallonerkirche" (Magdeburg)
- "Johanneskirche" (Magdeburg)
- "Kinder- und Freizeiteinrichtung KNAST" (Magdeburg)
- Festival "Blütenfest" (Magdeburg)
- "Sachsen-Anhalt-Tag" (Aschersleben)
- "Australopithecus" & "Eisenhertz" (Güsten), concert for friendship
16. - 25.07.2004 - "Flusssichten", Festung Mark (Magdeburg), Video installation and concerts
- "Stattstrand" (Magdeburg)
20. - 21.08.2004 - "Sommerausklang - Festival" (Magdeburg)
28.08.2004 - "Magdeburger Brunnenfest 2004" (Magdeburg)
18.09.2004 - "Nachtbasar" , KULTURWERK-fichte (Magdeburg)
25.09.2004 - "Cyberspacecafé Orbit" (Magdeburg)
01.10.2004 - "Unikom" (Magdeburg)
15.10.2004 - "Urbar" (Magdeburg)
15. - 17.10.2004 - Circus "Emma" (Peseckendorf)
26.10.2004 - Fachhochschule Magdeburg/Stendal
19.12.2004 - KJFE "Düppler Mühle" (Magdeburg)
19.12.2004 - Didgeridoo and Percussions for a reading,"Rayonhaus" (Magdeburg)
19.12.2004 - Kuba-Party at KJFZ "Knast" (Magdeburg)
20.12.2004 - "Artist Days 2004" (Magdeburg)
27.11.2004 - Anniversary "Eine-Welt-Laden" (Wolfsburg)
01.12.2004 - Australa- Dia- Show Travel Agency "Thomas Cook", Maritim Hotel (Magdeburg)
04.12.2004 - Block party in Stadtfeld (Magdeburg)
04.12.2004 - Wedding "Wallonerkirche" (Magdeburg)
05.12.2004 - Blacklightshow, "Tag des Azubis" Maritim Hotel (Magdeburg)
06.12.2004 - Student exchange Peseckendorf
10.12.2004 - Christmas market "Olven 1" (Magdeburg)
10.12.2004 - Christmas market "Alter Markt" (Magdeburg)
10.12.2004 - Company Party(Gerwisch)
11.12.2004 - "1001 Nacht" at Tanzcafe "Rossini", Landestheater Magdeburg
14.12.2004 - Cirkus "Emma", Feuerwache Magdeburg
17./18.12.2004 - "Kucaf"
25.12.2004 - Christmas conzert "Cyberspacecafé Orbit" (Magdeburg)
29.12.2004 - Gommern
06.01.2005 - Didge- & Juggling Marathon (7 hours!!!), "Festung Mark" (Magdeburg)
14.01.2005 - "Australia Night", KuCaf (Magdeburg)
21.01.2005 - Didgeridoo for a Reading, Kucaf (Magdeburg)
27.01.2005 - Africaday at Jahn- Gymnasium (Haldensleben) with "Xingombela"
28.01.2005 - "Subbase Revival", Sackfabrik (Magdeburg)
12.02.2005 - "Urbar" (Magdeburg)
18.02.2005 - FH Magdeburg/Stendal (Magdeburg)
19.02.2005 - Blacklightjuggling "Volksstimme-Sportlergala 2005" (Schönebeck)
26.02.2005 - Goodbye "Cyberspacecafe Orbit" (Magdeburg)
05.03.2005 - "Volksstimme-Sportlergala 2005" (Genthin)
12.03.2005 - "Frei Kammerspiele" (Magdeburg)
12.03.2005 - "Fürstenball Africa House" (Schönebeck)
18.03.2005 - "Night of Museum" (Schönebeck)
19. - 20.03.2005 - Opening of "3. FrühlingsSynphonie" (Wasserburg Geretzhoven, near Cologne)
26.03.2005 - "Festung Mark" (Magdeburg)
26.03.2005 - "Mikrokosmos" (Magdeburg)
29.04.2005 - "Walpurgisnacht" (Schönebeck)
03.05.2005 - "Schellheimer Platz" with "Zirkus Emma" (Magdeburg), Circusfestival
05.05.2005 - "Ausländerbegegnungsfest der Polizei" (Stadtpark, Magdeburg)
07.05.2005 - "Ziegenfest" (Ummendorf), with "Aktion Steinreich"
20. - 21.05.2005 - "SommerEinKlang 2005" (Stadtpark, Magdeburg)
28.05.2005 - "Elbe-Brücken-Lauf 2005" (Magdeburg)
03.06.2005 - "Magdeburger Presseball", Festung Mark (Magdeburg)
10.06.2005 - "Jetzt schlägt's 13!", Festung Mark (Magdeburg), Studentdays
11.06.2005 - "Dom Sikara" (Magdeburg), Openingparty
17. - 18.06.2005 - "Australopithecus and friends", Planteurhaus (Walbeck)
02.07.2005 - "Weltoffenen Bühne Sachsen-Anhalt" (Magdeburg), Sachsen- Anhalt Days
02.07.2005 - "Flottenparade" (Magdeburg), Sachsen-Anhalt-Tag 2005
09.07.2005 - "Johannes-Open-Air" (Gut Glüsig)
09.07.2005 - "2. Landart Symposium" (Schloßpark Hundisburg)
23.07.2005 - "Junglenight" (Zoo, Magdeburg)
30.07.2005 - "Elfentanz-Festival" (Peseckendorf)
06.08.2005 - "Handwerkermarkt" (Schloss Ummendorf)
20.08.2005 - "Christopher Street Day" (Magdeburg)
20.08.2005 - "Kulturgut Belsdorf" (Belsdorf)
29.09.2005 - "Kulturscheune Solbke" (Solbke)
04. - 06.11.2005 - "Eulenspiegelfest" (Magdeburg)
16.11.2005 - Vernisage "Hochschulreife macht sexy" (Hegelgymnasium, Magdeburg)
28.11.2005 - "Student Christmas Market" (Festung Mark, Magdeburg)
02. - 03.12.2005 - "African Christmas Dream (MT-Event)" (Festung Mark, Magdeburg)
16.12.2005 - "African Christmas Dream (MT-Event)" (Halberstadt)
25.12.2005 - Record-Release-Party "Australopithecus - Klangkonglomerat" (Dom Sikara, Magdeburg)
17.02.2006 - VIP- Conzert "Gruson-Gewächshäusern" (Magdeburg)
01.03.2006 - "One Year Anniversary" Firegroup "Malabarista" (Magdeburg)
19.03.2006 - "World citizen - Matinee" (Einewelthaus, Magdeburg)
19.03.2006 - "Deine Wahl" (Festung Mark, Magdeburg)
01.04.2006 - "Dom Sikara", Hassel Night Line (Magdeburg)
07.04.2006 - "MASSIVE ATTAC Festival" (Mieste)
12.04.2006 - "110 Years Gruson- Gewächshäuser" (Magdeburg)
15.04.2006 - "Easter Fire" (Festung Mark, Magdeburg))
15.04.2006 - "Ernährungsfehler Record Release Party + NGOMA - Industrial" with N. U. Unruh (Einstürzende Neubauten), Sackfabrik (Magdeburg)
28. - 30.04.2006 - "1. Klang der Sonne - Festival" (Festung Mark, Magdeburg)
06.05.2006 - Opening "1. Ökoschwimmbades Sachsen-Anhalts" (Nordgermersleben)
25.05.2006 - Percussionworkshops, Polizeibegegnungsfest (Stadtpark, Magdeburg)
26.05.2006 - "Alumni-Ball der Designer Magdeburg" (Festung Mark, Magdeburg)
16. - 18.06.2006 - "Cityfestival" (Cottbus)
24.06.2006 - "Planteurhaus" (Walbeck)
05. - 09.07.2006 "TFF " (Rudolstadt)
14.07.2006 - "Summer Festival", Grundschule "Nordwest" (Magdeburg)
15.07.2006 - "Summer Festival", Factory for handicapped people (Magdeburg)
22.07.2006 - "EuroLandart- Project" (Seethen)
04. - 06.08.2006 - "Hansefest" (Gardelegen)
12.08.2006 - "Didge-Village" (Diesdorf/ Altmark)
12.08.2006 - "Junglenight" (Zoo, Magdeburg)
18.08.2006 - "Open Air Pool Party" (Altenwedding)
19. - 20.08.2006 - "Burgfest" (Apenburg)
25.08.2006 - "Magdeburger Volksstimme" (Zoo, Magdeburg)
03.09.2006 - "100 Years Schloss Peseckendorf" (Peseckendorf)
28.12.2006 - "Dom Sikara" (Magdeburg)
26.04.2008 - "Sikara 2", Sackfabrik (Magdeburg)
08.10.2008 - "Space Music And Visual Art", Kulturfestung Mark (Magdeburg)
11.10.2008 - "Schwarzlichkunst und Goa", Kulturfestung Mark (Magdeburg(
18.10.2008 - "Es ist ... 2008" Sternstraße Record Release Party, Moritzhof (Magdeburg)
13.02.2009 - "Dom Sikara" (Magdeburg)
17.02.2009 - DJ im "Dom Sikara" (Magdeburg)
21.02.2009 - "Elfentanzfestival", Sackfabrik (Magdeburg)
18.04.2009 - "Are You Experienced 5" (KJFE Knast eV, Magdeburg)
30. - 31.05.2009 - Kulturruine Eldena OA (Greifswald)
28.08.2009 - "Gaggalacka OA" (Stonepit, Thüringen) :)
04.09.2009 - "Indian Spirit OA", live Didgerdidoo with Flutes by Lotus Pan Asiem & Darabouka by Fatih (??) & DJ- Set by DJ Igelkind & DJ KahFau (Heiligengrabe)
18.09.2009 - spherical sound performance with Haiko Dau for a reading by Nuno Fabienne - sitar/ didgeridoo/ water spring bowl/ waterphon ( 11-line , Potsdam)