✂ jwels✂' profile picture

✂ jwels✂'

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
♥My name is Julie but friends call me jwels
♥i'm a cosmetology student.
♥I love hair and makeup
♥I love cats
♥Music is what gets me by
♥I Rep for Salvadorian,Whites,and native americans!!
♥I like things that others may find odd.
♥Some think i'm weird.
♥I like to laught even thought some say i'm emo.
♥Im addicted to vietnamese food.
♥I love fashion
♥I want to be loved and to love.
♥I like to entertain myself when im bored...
♥i question my sanity.
♥Im slow but i can outsmart you.
♥I am a dancing machine when im drunk at least i think i am
♥I love my friends to death so don't fuck with them cuz i'll have the pleasure of making u bleed.
♥i don't worship the devil, im just interested in him
♥i love to travel
♥my nose itches sometimes
♥Im a fuck up on its way to recovery
1. Plese don't message me saying what's up, if you don't have anything to write, then just don't
2. do not ask me for my number....i would not give out my number out on myspace...unless its business
3. Do not write anything sexual....that's lame
thanks bitches!!

My Interests

♥bumble and bumble
♥tats and piercings

STOP ASKING ME WHO DOES MY HAIR! Click the photo to check out the ROCKSTYLIST aka Chris!







♥Click the photo to check out SANTA MIKE!

Click here to see more.

I'd like to meet:



i like The Used, MCR,QUEEN,,as i lay dying,silverstein,postal service, BILLY IDOL,,UNDERoath,death cab for cutie,alkaline tri,thrice,hawthorne heights,from first to last, Chevelle,Incubus,deftone,disturbed,tool,panic at the disco,aiden,janes addiction,alice in chains,taking back sunday, AFI,The Mars Volta,Linkin park, hoobastank,trapt,The Bravery,Block Party,marylin manson, HIM,nirvana,metallica,cold,POD,puddle of mudd,Saliva,Sum 41,Sublime.Breaking benjamins,jet,orgy,depeche mode,papa roach,atreyu,flyleaf,funeral for a friend,crossfade,stained,linkin park,the cure,story of the year,fallout boy,30second from mars,blue october,slipknot,motley crew, judas priest,nine inch nails,yellowcard,receiving end of sirens,earshot,the exies,shinedown,seether,greenday,system of a down,filter,lit,godsmack,rob zombie,queen,prince,the misfits,,glass intrepid,static X,korn,murderdolls,no doubt,garbage,bjork,smashing pumpkins,nirvana,foo fighters,311,and many more


♥Im a sucker for Mysetery.
♥ I love watching Vampire movies.




♥"He came to set the captives free" great book!!


A man who changed hair forever and dedicated his life to creating the template for what it is today. Vidal Sassoon pioneered the concepts, techniques and practices that transformed hairdressing into true hair artistry, and his legacy remains unsurpassed. He set the professional and personal standards that serve as the benchmarks for a life lived with honor and integrity.

My Blog


 i hadn't traveled all year which was weird from me...but finally i got to get the hell out of houston My first stop CABO SAN LUCAS MEXICO.....such a beautiful place...i recommend it to everyone,...
Posted by  jwels' on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:57:00 PST

taste of chaos with pics

The taste of chaos was great i got to hang out backstage..will from aiden got me there...i got to meet most of the bands except jared..he was busy with his girlfriend. didn't get to take pics with the...
Posted by  jwels' on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:42:00 PST

do it if you love me

Create your own Friend Quiz here...
Posted by  jwels' on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:02:00 PST

new year resolution

Things that i am grateful for in 2006*  my great friends who are like my family, i love you guys*  my health*  my kitty that i got, silver*  my boyfriend chris, even though he need...
Posted by  jwels' on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:16:00 PST

New Trip London & Paris pics

Hi friends! Life is going ok.  Been doing the same old. Here are some pics for you guys to see. There is lots of them Taking a train from the airport to the city of london. Notice how we are...
Posted by  jwels' on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 05:50:00 PST

Cali Pics.................=)

I have lots of pics from Cali (thanks to lisas camera) Hope you guys enjoy cuz it took me forever to upload them.  I hate houston weather....its freakin HOT and HUMID. Number of time...
Posted by  jwels' on Fri, 26 May 2006 08:55:00 PST


Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on? I sleep in Chris boxers somehow there comfy Q2) Prefer black or blue pens? black Q3) Dress up on Halloween? Yes, but every day is halloween for me Q4) ...
Posted by  jwels' on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:50:00 PST


So life is ok!! School is going good. Chris cut my hair @ school today!! let me tell you guys its short. ill post the pics up later. He still needs to color it Its raining outside, i love it whe...
Posted by  jwels' on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:27:00 PST

my new year resolution

My new year resolution for 06 * I want to finish cosmetology school * I want to travel some more * I want to loose weight, ha ha thats and every day resolution   Things I discovered in 05 * I dis...
Posted by  jwels' on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 12:34:00 PST

IM SOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!

LIFE IS FINALLY BECOMING EVERYTHING I WANT IT TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Random pics!!!!!!!!...
Posted by  jwels' on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 05:25:00 PST