*- Ashley Marie -* profile picture

*- Ashley Marie -*

About Me

About Me

*Ashley Marie*

I'm 20 asz of Jan. 3rd..
I live in Dania Beach/Hollywood
I went 2 Bcc Central and graduated with my AA
I currently attend Florida Atlantic University and I will be getting my Bachelors in Psychology in December
I always have something going on in my life.. Trust that noone comparesz.
Im a very fun ,interesting ,sweet person


Facebook Im here for friendsz and love meeting new people ...
I Love clubbing and partying ..
Gunsz Rain
Food Network Carsz Darts
Being Happy
Turtlesz... Ninja Turtlesz
Hugsz Ice Cream
Cookiesz Marshmallowsz
Money Music
Myspace Partying
Tanning Taking Picturesz
I could probably write a whole book about myself but ill keep it short xoxox

What makes me weak? My fears.
What makes me whole? My God.
What keeps me standing? My faith.
What makes me compassionate? My selflessness.
What makes me honest? My integrity.
What sustains my mind? My quest for knowledge.
What teaches me all lessons? My mistakes.
What lift's my head high? My pride.
What if I can't go on? Not an option.
What makes me victorious? My courage.
What makes me competent? My confidence.
What makes me sensual? My insatiable essence.
What makes me beautiful? My everything.
What makes me a lover? My heart.
Who says I need love? I do.
What empowers me? My God & Me.
Who am I? *-Ashley Marie-* xoxox ..
Myspace Codes
    myspace layouts myspace backgrounds myspace codes

My Interests


Member Since: 15/03/2007
Band Website: http://www.cokchop.com/
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

My Life..

YOUR REALI BORED ?1. First and Middle Name: Ashley Marie2. Were you named after anyone? Dont think so3. Do you wish on stars? I used to ... Until that day... Warning.. Dont ever wish on shooting stars...
Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:23:00 GMT

*-Happiness isz jusz a word 2 me-*

*-Im trying to convince myself that I mean something to somebody-*?I wasz asz strong asz a ::river:: but now onlii asz strong asz the -teardrop- on my cheek?And in the end... it really DOESNT matter?S...
Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:22:00 GMT

My life isz a broken record.... It jusz repeatsz itself... And Im left heartbroken again

one day you'll look back `nd say *damn that girl really did love me I loved you with all my heartI loved the closeness we had,the times we spent together,the way you kissed me, and I wanted that to la...
Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:20:00 GMT

Some rhymesz that i have thrown 2gether XoxoX

All that could've been & I guess will never be All the timesz we shared & are nothing more than memory All the nightsz together & Will never be erased You were alwaysz by my side .. so you'll never be...
Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:18:00 GMT