Myspace Layouts at / Cooky monster
howdy all, my name is chris but most people call me sugar! and then most people ask "why sugar?", which i tell them is a boring story bound to end in disappointment, but they still wanna know so i tell them and they get disappointed! just a nickname from cricket, said "sugar" instead of "shit", and so on and so on... i actually have about 20 nicknames, we wrote them all down once and i would recite them for u if i could still remember them all!have a most wonderful girlfriend by the name of sarah! we've been goin out for over 3 years now, time just flies when ur under the thumb...i mean having fun..! nah seriously, best 3 years of my life without a doubt, pretty sure she's da one!go to uni at deakin, doin my last year of my bach. biological science, same as ing does. we get by lectures with the help of 'noughts & crosses', 'hangman' and other favorites!have a great group of friends, always there for ya, resonably reliable, all great fun to hang with! be it lunch with the uni girls, friday night games at digs place, mang nights at jacks, ricky ponting at mikes, guitar hero at marcos, ghost recon at walls (with straight cordial), backyard cricket at damas, fishing with thien or the numerous net sessions with budgie (sorry bout that hit to the box!), everyone is always ready to "mang-up" when called upon!