DHONG profile picture


don't you forget me

About Me

Im so sweet but sometimes makulit, that makes my friends irritate.. hehehe pero mabait..funny...funny...funny...and more funny...i like having a great time all the time...

My Interests

ArcherY, BadmintoN, SwimminG...and cHaTtinG

I'd like to meet:

long lost friends, classmates, seatmates, batchmates.. even soulmates.. hahaha.....specially mga pretty girls...ahihihi


R & B, Rock, Metal (pag nasa mood), Senti, love songs


Matrix, LOTR, Gladiator, Never Ending Story, Passion of the Christ, Clash of the Titans, Knights Tale, 2 fast 2 furious, torque, TINIMBANG KA NGUNIT KULANG (eto ang dabest) hahaha, Mga Kwento ni LOLA BASYANG.. hahaha


Champoy, Iskul Bukol (as if naabutan ko tong mga to), dear tya dely, - - - Jerry Springer Show, SpongeBob SquarePants, MTV, Late Show w/ Dave Letterman, CSI, Fear Factor


Differential & Integral Calculus (hahahaha), history, bible... SRG

