Prophetess La'Sandra T.E. profile picture

Prophetess La'Sandra T.E.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Prophetess La'Sandra was born in San Jose California and was raised by her single African American Father Jonathan Easley. While her Israeli mother Sharon Gold was always in the picture, La'Sandra was raised in a loving family. In the early 80's La'Sandra and her father moved to Oakland where La'Sandra spent most of her childhood and adolescence. La'Sandra being a bi-racial child was met with many obstacles growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area and she was labeled with such terms as "Zebra", "Oreo Cookie", "Black Knock-off" and "Half Breed".Not so naturally she developed many self-esteem issues early in life and living in depression followed as well. She did not have many friends and was made to live a life of seclusion as well as isolation. At age seven she was diagnosed with Asthma and could not keep up with the other children on the play ground and could not participate in many other activities. Due to the medication she was placed on, unnatural swelling of her body occurred and she was ridiculed by her fellow students and teachers as well. La'Sandra was placed in a private Catholic school while every Friday she attended Jewish Temple with her mother and Christian Baptist Church Sunday services with her father, La'Sandra grew up religiously confused however she remained intrigued with Jesus. Her parents were not trying to confuse her or persuade her to one faith or the other, her parents wanted her to make her own choice. During that time she desperately wanted to know more about this Jesus that never judged anyone based on anything and she believed He would love her for who she was. Never knowing a friend, she wanted to know who Jesus was for herself and prayed for a one on one encounter with Him.She had a deep uncertainty about eternity during her "Tweenage" years and when her grandmother (who she was very close to) died of a four year long battle with cancer, La'Sandra reached out to the dark side of the supernatural. The year was 1995 when the movie "The Craft" came out into theaters and the spirit of divination imparted to her right in the theater! With in a few months she transformed into a full blown witch. Wicca became her religion and she became involved with many different forms of the occult. She practiced spells and curses placing them on various people, she often performed necromancy and fellowshipped with demons. La'Sandra was sent on many demonic assignments to different churches and people. One night during a demonic encounter a curse she'd placed on someone was reversed and that was the first indication she'd received and became demonically possessed. La'Sandra was tormented for four years after that event, she suffered with insomnia, paranoia, anxiety, fear and experienced many other demonic occurrences such thoughts of suicide.It was through a face to face encounter with Jesus that La'Sandra became saved and delivered at the age of twelve. At fourteen years old, La'Sandra and her father moved to Vallejo California where she began to pursue God with a passion. At sixteen she began attending Revival Center Ministries with Apostle Ricky Nutt as the Pastor, she received great biblical and ministerial training. Revival Center is also where she was discipled by Pastor Van Waller who was youth Pastor at the time. She developed a prayer life, became a part of the youth department and helped other young people develop their gifts.At seventeen she received her prophetic calling according to Jeremiah 1:5; in the same year she says is when she learned "to praise her way to confidence!" It was then that she began preaching at various churches around the Bay Area and was affectionatly nick-named "The Prophet of Purpose".It was at seventeen that La'Sandra graduated early from high school. In the same year she also graduated from beauty school as one of the top five students of her class.In 2005 La'Sandra relocated (by divine orchestration) to Oakland and began attending Lily of the Valley Christian Center where Bishop Anthony Willis prophetically imparted to as well as trained her. While at the Lily La'Sandra developed the concept for "The Prophetic School of Excellence"; she began training leaders to preach with a class she developed called "Iron Sharpens Iron Ministry".In 2007 La'Sandra graduated from Patten University with her Bachelors degree in Pastoral Studies. She was not only the only female graduate but the only African American graduate in that major that year.In 2008, Prophetess La'Sandra became an ordained Prophet and Evangelist in the Lord's church by WCM in Fresno California.Prophetess La'Sandra is currently working with young women and has a heart for those suffering with low self-esteem. Her passion is for those in need of healing from God.In 2009 Prophetess La'Sandra is releasing a book titled "Queen Esteem" for women who are joint heirs with Jesus Christ and since He is the King of Kings that makes His ladies Queens! She will be hosting "Queen Esteem" conferences quarterly beginning December 12, 2009 in New York City!To book Prophetess for your next event please contact:404-457-5945 or email [email protected]

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My Blog


This is a season in the Body of Christ where some have experienced hearing less from God because He wants more of our attention. This is the year where the only way we will maintain our focus is throu...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 08:33:00 GMT

Full of wonder

I woke up one morning not feeling quite like myself. I felt like something was missing. I spoke to God as I usually do and asked Him how He was doing this morning. He tells something different every m...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 18:44:00 GMT

A love letter

    If God were to tell me the real He sees your life, what would He say? Would you be ready to deal with what He said needs to change? Your eating habits? Your company? Y...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 01:04:00 GMT

Something for my own thoughts...

It's been a long time since I've blogged, almost 5 months (not that any one has noticed) But reader, let me ask you a question:"What has time taught you?"I tell you all, since moving to Georgia, somet...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 01:52:00 GMT

T.S.T.L The Office of a Prophet

We can go all through out the bible and see no two prophets are alike, because God does not want us to compare our anointing with one another. If there were any Prophet that I was envious of, it would...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 21:48:00 GMT

T.S.T.L. (Thus Saith The Lord) The Office of a Prophet

Chapter Two The Anatomy of a Prophet "The anatomy of a prophet must be understood to understand the purpose given to a prophet." The Gift of Prophecy Prophecy- derived from the Greek "Prophani" fo...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:02:00 GMT

Dream Like A Fool!!!

I know it has been a while but I'm not one of those that will share what I haven't lived out.I was in prayer a while ago and I felt The Lord beginning to birth a new thing in me. There are many Prophe...
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 03:50:00 GMT


1 Samuel 9:2 He had a son named Saul, an impressive young man without equal among the Israelitesa head taller than any of the others.Unique:1.  only one: being the only one of a kind  2.&nb...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 08:04:00 GMT


  Genesis 11  1AND THE whole earth was of one language and of one accent and mode of expression.     2And as they journeyed eastward, they found a plain (valley) in the land...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:03:00 GMT

A little authentic, A little translucent, a little Me

Over the past few weeks, I have learned more about myself then in any other time in my life. This past week, I had an emotional fall out with God. It was the worst week and the first time I've e...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 13:53:00 GMT