Hazey profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Schock & the worst fuckin speller you'll ever meet. So I guess that means Good Luck If ya wanna tango with me! Nah just kidding, I got my little Dictionary rt here!! and oh yes I will start a sentence with AND or BUT because this is MYSPACE!!!! wow that felt really good. For all you peeps out there, always Save a life... Breeding is Killing. Remember to please visit your local animal shealters and give a hug to a pet in a cage. I work at Cat Welfare, a huge home for stray cats. So if you want a cat or a kittin or just something to love on... I can help you!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would meet *~WARD HARRISON*.. over and over agian.... or to have one more chance to hang out with that Joey Esh kid back in the late 90's would be oh sooo Dazzling!* or ya know Someone that had Real Life ~*Magical Powers*@~^ would be cool or better yet a genie in a lamp! But Of Course Anyone who can show me new things or take me to new places. One who can keep the fuck up with my crazy personality, to the thoughtful deepness of me. (Yeah, I can get pretty fuckin deep). I wanna be thrilled! never want to stop or be held down. OOOR I Guess it would be cool to meet David Beckem, I would slip a drug into his drink, & take off all his clothes, blow up a bunch of balloons, bust out a disco ball & my camera and have a naked tea party! *~*~*..~* *~ HEY PEEPS WATCH THIS VIDEO AND TURN IT UP LOUD!!!!!!

My Blog


What the fuck is this space for?    My deep thoughts?     well okay then... Showers are way funner drunk and with someone....
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 14:10:00 GMT