..::Courtney::.. profile picture



About Me

Not much to know except I live fast and die young.
I will talk to almost anyone,
and if I find you interesting then I will most likely keep talking to you but if you're a mindless inbred,then you're wasting your time.
I do look at everyone's profile when they want to add me, I don't just want another notch on my friends list.
So again, 18 and "phrat boy", move along little man, move along.
Im a curvy gal with a razor sharp tongue that drips with sarcasm and dorky jokes.
If I trust you sincerely, it's with all my heart. Fuck it up and I will never fully trust you again.
i will not criticize you about your lifestyle, as long as you respect my lifestyle as well.
I am so hardcore I take naps...
I don't water my plants often enough.
In fact they may be dead and I just haven't bothered to look.
I find it really easy to relate to people despite the situation they're in, probably because i've been through so much myself.
I don't like weak minded women; or men for that matter,
but I have a different definition of weak than others do.
I don't make time for people who can't make time for me.
I don't fit into any scene.
I don't mind it that way at all..
I try my hardest to be sweet and understanding,
but I will call you an idiot if all that comes out of your mouth is vapid and incessant bullshit.
I have to move my hands alot, it comes with the ADD package.
I will get excited if you are shorter than me
I learned it isn't smart to wear high heels in snow.
I hate cokeheads, neck tattoos, and guys who wear girl's jeans.
I try to do what I think is right; I don't lie, cheat, steal or backstab,
I expect the same out of those that I consider friends. (That word has become so abused and misused).
I couldn't give a shit less what people think of me.
I know who I am and I'm comfortable with who I am, with (what some would consider) flaws and all.

My Interests