I am a composer of new music, performer of new and old music, and an improvisor. Percussion instruments are my passion, especially marimba.
I'm a founding member of Alarm Will Sound, a new music group based in New York City. I also perform a lot with my Super Marimba project. Super Marimba is my own music and includes a bit of improvisation. I'm currently working with the donebestdone guys on some video projects for Super Marimba. (Check out the video below.)
In addition to Western percussion I've studied tabla for 10 years. My guru is Pandit Sharda Sahai. I went through the ganda-bandh ceremony with him, binding us for life and thereafter. Along with my other amazing teachers he has been a profound influence on my life. I'm now writing a lot of music for tabla and Western instruments. My good friend Shawn Mativetsky plays most of it. We just released a CD of this music on the Atma label.
I studied music formally at the University of Michigan and the Eastman School of Music. I'm presently living in the NYC area with my wife, daughter, two cats, 80+ tarantulas, a feeder colony of B. dubias, and a Columbian boa constrictor.