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Welcome to the HOUSE OF PAIN

About Me

I'm 43 Years old and I work at the Horseshoe casino as a Security Lead. I'm married with 3 kids megan, cody, and tyler. I have 2 dogs lizzy and gonzo they are both My babies. I'm also a grandpa of 2- a boy and a girl. I have 5 sisters Tammy, Brandy,mindy,angie,mary and 2 brothers Paul and Cheech. I love canoeing,camping, fishing, and love to hang out with my friends.I was in the military for 6 years I was trained in gasoline and diesel mechanics, power generators. After that I went to Airborne School and Ranger School. I've played in several bands. I ran a disc-jockey bussiness for about 25 years and had a lot of good times. And now my sister is doing it and having alot of success. Her name is Tammy and she calls her bussiness Tammy's Jammies I'm very proud of her. I am a HUGE KISS FAN I have a whole room of kiss collectalbles most of the things are autographed. you can see my kiss room on the spinning picture frame on my page. I have kiss tatoo's. I have the whole group tatooed on my upper right arm with flames around them from my elbow to my shoulder and then Paul Stanley on my back. I live in a town thats all irish the town only has 80 people in it but I like it. I'm very close to my brother cheech we've had alot of good times together. Like all the parties we used to have. The last party that we had we had about 1500 people went through 16 kegs of beer plus all of the hard liquor that everybody brought in . We went trough 3 whole hogs 10 pounds of potato salad, 10 pounds of baked beans,live band, bon-fire,harley parking, campers, tents and people passed out in my yard.Cheech and I also had alot of good times when I ////profile

Myspace Layouts at / Tropical Moon


My Interests

Music, all types. I like to tease my wife, we are best friends. I've known her since she was 2 months old.I like to play all my instruments. I love to hang out with my friends and family.////enter sandman White Zombie - Welcome to the Planet Motherf**ker
fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=5243543">Enter Sandman

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people that like music. I like GOOD people, not people that talk trash about other people.//// Kid Rock//// Kid Rock - All Summer Long Music video


M*A*S*H* The weather channel, Discovery, I like watching the Bike Build Offs. I love to watch the music channals VH-1 classic and X-M Radio


My favorite


My faorite hero is my mother.When I was little she did whatever she had to do to make sure my sister and I had what we needed, we never went without. Even thou I'm 43 years old I still put her on a pedistal. Shes going rough a rough time, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer I will never forget her. I have 2 other hero's the 1st one is theresa, she lost her daughter a while back, that is the hardest thing for a parent to do is loose a child it is against the laws of nature for that to happen.But even thou she is a man-hater she is my best friend.She bounced back after all that and is living life to it's fullest.My other hero is a guy named Cody, he is an E.M.T. and Firefighter. He is a young man that respects life more than anybody i've ever seen. If it came down to risking his own life he would not hesitate. He is hitting every goal that he has set for himself. He was noninated for firefighter of the year. He is a young man that is not selfish and he is saving the world 1 person at a time. There needs to be more Cody's in the world and we would'nt be in this mess we're