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About Me

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GERTS SITUATION offers a system to allow your bar to be successful in the future.Our services offer you an opportunity to have my staff operate your bar or venue for a period of time & put simple procedures in place to make your life easy.**Introduction of high quality standard operating procedures include staff standards & training manuals**Updating of beverage & cocktail lists.**Evaluation of the strengths & the weaknesses of your venue in comparison to your competition.**Introducing new innovations to keep you at the head of the market.One of the most essential elements in creating a successful venue is to make a female friendly environment. For this reason having the right cocktails & wines in your venue is essential.GERTS SITUATION is aware of all modern new trends in cocktail mixology. We also take a heavy interest in trends within regions. A cutting edge cocktail list can set your bar apart from the competition Our services implements a high standard of operating procedures and training manuals for the entire staff.Venues should aim for a mix of 5 star service, while still promoting personality. Good service doesn’t have to be stale.Our services also offer the following**Staff Appraisals**Evaluate the qualities of your team, their strengths & weaknesses and how your team can be developed into a more productive staff.Our goal is to ensure that your staff achieves their full potential. Remember, your staff is your future. Reports on each individual staff member will be provided. We cannot transform your staff but we can help them improve.During our evaluation, we will advise you if a properly functioning house systems is in place.We will also make recommendations on future improvements. You are running a business & it is essential that you have effectiveCOST CONTROL, ROSTERING, WASTAGE, ORDERING, PAR LEVELS, COMMUNICATIONS, STOCK CONTROL & SYSTEMS IN PLACE.Lastly, you must be aware of your competition. Why they are better & how do you compare?What are your competitors doing?What are there strengths?What are there weaknesses?Where do you need to improve?There competitive advantages?

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