About Me
C’est au cœur de la campagne gersoise, quelque par entre stades de rugby et distilleries d’armagnac que débuta l’aventure Under My Blanket. Jouant depuis trop longtemps seuls dans leurs chambres, Antoine, Simon, BigO et Mathieu, compagnons de fortune, créèrent le groupe en 2006 pour la fête de la musique à Condom (Gers). Jouant cinq reprises répétées cinq jours avant la date fatidique, le combo s’attire les faveurs d’un public clairsemé et peu adepte du genre. Influencés principalement par des groupes punk rock tels que NoFX, Uncommonmenfrommars, ou Box Car Racer, le quatuor gersois commença à se produire dans les rades toulousains et sur les scènes de la région. Trois mois après sa formation, le groupe enregistre sa première démo : plus d’une centaine d’exemplaires de ‘‘First Time’’ furent produits et vendus. Depuis, le groupe a enregistré aux Pavillons Sauvages (Toulouse) son premier véritable EP ‘‘Basement Songs’’ qui est sorti en Juin 2008.
Plus tard, Under My Blanket est retourné en "studio" aux côté de trois autres groupes régionaux (Ben & Fist, I was a teenage alien et Bubble Burst). Ensemble, ils créèrent le collectif " The Punkastic Ones ", en se donnant trois objectifs : partager la scène un maximum de fois ensemble, envahir la planète, et surtout, atteindre leur but ultime: la sortie d'un split CD réunissant les trois groupes sur un même album. Cette galette intitulée "I was under my bubble fist", est sorti en Mai 2009.
Under My Blanket a déjà partagé la scène avec Millencolin, The Briggs, High Five Drive, Dirty Fonzy, Khod Breaker, Greedy Guts …
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In the heart of rural south western France, somewhere between small-time rugby teams and right adjencent to the local distillery, four guys decided to stop playing their instruments alone in their bedrooms and set up their very own punk-rock band, calling themselves Under My Blanket. The combo played their first gig at the traditional music festival in the good town of Condom (no joke!) rehearsing their set just five days before the actual event. The audience didn't exactly jump up and down to the few punk rock covers the band played that night, but nevertheless enjoyed the gig. It was enough to give Antoine, Simon, BigO and Mathieu the push they needed to carry on. Influenced by bands such as NoFX, Uncommonmenfrommars and Box Car Racer, the four piece has gained a reputation playing in Cafés and other local venues around Toulouse.Three months after it's creation, the band recorded his first demo: more than a hundred copies of “First Time†were produced and sold. In June 2008, Under My Blanket released “Basement Songsâ€, it's first EP, recorded at “Les Pavillons Savagesâ€, an artist squat in Toulouse.
Later, Under My Blanket came back in "studio" with three others local bands (Ben & Fist, I was a teenage alien et Bubble Burst). Together, they created the crew" The Punkastic Ones ", and gived to themselves three objectives : share the stage as many times as they can, invade the planet, and above all reach their ultimate goal : the release of a split CD gathering the three bands on a same LP. This is called "I was under my bubble fist", and it released in May 2009.
Under My Blanket has shared bills with Millencolin, The Briggs, High Five Drive, Dirty Fonzy, Khod Breaker, Greedy Guts ...
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