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Intense would be a start...I sing, I dance, I travel, I evangelize...Let me entertain u,i'm always hungry, esp. rite now...i'm really technologically advanced, no really i am, i can balance 3 plates on both arms, i happen to befriend other CHOI's easily , i identify myself as a SINGER yet found myself chasing after fashion design, o wait, but now I'm an East Asian major learning Chinese, I've been enrolled in about 16 schools b4 college, i heart hawai'i, i wish them aloha Hawai'i DUNKS came in my size, I love nikes but am moving on more to big girl shoes aka stilts... never done drugs, been drunk, am a texture eater, love to swim, underwater creatures tend to frighten me, pierced & tatted, my parents live on a 100acre FARM, my dad buys cars on e-bay (n trucks, buses,tractors,animals, o & now Verizon trucks), he ditched the comfortable life of real estate to follow the Big Guy, pioneered some churches in the Amazon, now's ordained REVEREND by the Southern Baptists, he hunts atop trees with good ol' bow & arrow, also rifles, shotguns, the sort... you may address him as COMMANDO CHOI, or HERMANO Choi ( as the Guarani call him), my mom thought she'd be a fashion designer too, did the F.I.T. thing too, but now would list having read the bible front 2 back a zillion times as her joyous pastime, she also makes power point presentations for her Sunday School... complete with moving Jesus & sister's a Harvard PhD... pretty much ELLE WOODS (1 letter off in the name tho)...married a Chinese boy, who "Clark Kent's" as a paht'ner in his law firm but on the low hunts Harajuku for streetwear...the other sister rests her head in HARLEM & is a DIE HARD 2PAC fan, check the dope nose ring she rocks in his honor... they're 10 & 12 yrs older than I... I was a gift, a PLEASANT SURPRISE, and I don't let anyone tell me otherwise X_X"Marie had a big bag. And another big bag. And another big bag. And a not so big bag. And another not so big bag. And a really blue bag full of sneakers. The girl can pack."--(quoted from: well, any1 who's traveled w/me really)the infamous EL GAMBINA ft. MARIE @ The Delancey - "Sunny Days"Switch it up & get some church music in here...
KCCNJ my home HOME church... i sing for the Lode...
& again, I'm sorry ahead of time b/c I'm looking pretty nasty.. ok go
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I’M BACKOn my life I will NOT miss this tour... em, who wantsta go to the EU this summer? vaca...