In our life, if people are lost physically, then the family and friends of the lost frantically search for them to be found.
If you are lost mentally, then half the time you will be searching on your own or have family and friends to bring
you back to a stable mindset.
If you are lost in life, then you only have yourself to search for what needs to be found, because you decide on your own life and no one else can tell you what to do or what you control for yourself. No one can be blamed for the mistakes that you have done and no one can be blamed because no one helped you at all, in the end you only have yourself to realize that you fucked up and dug that hole for yourself, it's your decision if you want to climb out or die in your own mistakes. People age the way nature planned for them to age physically, but mentally, some people are still stuck in that child form, still thinking that they are always right, acting like the world owes them something, or never handling situations in a mature manner but instead handling like how a spoiled child handles it. People know and believe that LIFE IS CRUEL, but yet every time shit hits the fan some people (Mentally grown adults) understand the saying and deal with it by trying to find a solution to fix the problem, then you have others (Adults that are mentally childish) throw tantrums and be angry because "Life is so fucked up and I'm just going to sit here and pout." It's like the old saying goes,"Don't run from your problems, turn around and face it." In life you are constantly searching for yourself, it can be anything from financial, careers, love, happiness and which all in all which ends up self peace. You earn what you put in and nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. Earn your keep son!
By, David Kim (me)