Once in awhile I like to do the crazy bar thang, going to the movies is a must. Sometimes I play PC games during the weekdays when I have to get up early for work, once in a blue moon I wouldnt mind clubbing. Has to be with a large crowd, boring without alot of friends. I cook as much as I can, I think im getting pretty good at it. Always willing to try something new of course...and lets not forget about SWG.....
Michael Bloomberg and smash a beer bottle on his melon head haha... If you ever decide to be a real estate agent, please let me know. I can help provide you great training and support for new real estate agents at Grand Centurion realty...Those are people I wanna meet =)www.grandcenturionrealty.com
I know this one is a touchy subject for all you deep music lovers, so I wont list my favorites. All I can tell you is that I like anything that sounds good in all variety, club music, slow music, even snappy songs and lets not forget about the 80's...
Here are some of my favorites..... Good Will Hunting, Pulpfiction, Braveheart, Forest Gump, X-MEN, Heat, Lord of the Rings, All StarWars episodes & all the Star Trek Movies, Underworld, Spun, Monster-Charlize Theron, Terminator, Gladiator, Alien, Blow, Breakfast Club. There are too many to list, myspace is killing me hehe...
Justice League Unlimited, That 70's show, Enterprise, Smallville, Greatest American Hero & alot of the other classic re-runs, Heroes "are you on the list"...Then again television is the spoiler of this world "use it but dont abuse it"...
StarWars novels, Lost Souls and other vampire books, sci-fi and alot of stuff on the internet. I don't read as much since those college days, im bad =(
True Heroes are never mentioned