The reading period for issue eight runs from March 15th - May 1st. Accepted submissions will be published in June. You will be notified of a response shortly after May 1st.
For short fiction most genres will be considered, with the exception of fan-fiction and young children's stories. For poetry, free verse or traditional is fine, but no haiku or tanka. Extra Features, such as book reviews, literature related articles and interviews are also considered.
Word limits: 5000 words for fiction, 100 lines for poetry, 3000 words for Extra Features.
Send only one fiction submission, one Extra Feature submission, or up to three poetry submissions per issue.
NB does not accept simultaneous submissions. We do accept reprints. If sending a reprint, please include the name of the previous publisher, and the date of publication, in the submission email.
Please send all submissions as .wps, .doc or .rtf attachments, or paste into the body of an email.
Include your name, email address, the title of your work and a short third-person bio (max. 100 words) with your submission. You may also include any website links you wish to add.
Unfortunately, NB is a non-profit publication and cannot offer payment or free contributor's copies. However, successful contributors retain all rights to their work upon publication, and NB is happy to promote other published work in any way possible.
All submissions by email please! The subject line should read: Fiction / Poetry / Extra Feature Submission (depending on what you're sending, of course!). If you have read the above and still want to submit, please do so below!Email all submissions to: [email protected]