Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) profile picture

Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox)

Inspired by Love, Guided by Knowledge

About Me

Too much to accurately describe, at least I like to think so.IM: GFunkJimmy.. width="425" height="350" ..
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
.. You scored as Islam. Your beliefs are most similar to those of Islam. Do more research on Islam and possibly consider taking the shahadah and officially becoming a Muslim, if you aren't already.Despite the actions of some - who go against the teachings of Islam - Islam is a religion of peace; the word "islam" means "peace through submission to God." "Muslim" means "one who submits to God." Islam is the third of the three Abrahamic faiths, and it shares much with Judaism in Christianity; its differences are the acceptance of Muhammad as the last and final prophet, and the oneness of God - in other words, that Jesus, though he was a revered prophet, was not in fact God, and only one God exists. Apparently the Taliban could not read (though their name means "students"), because the Qur'an states that men and women are equal as believers, and that all believers should be educated and seek knowledge. Modesty in dress and behavior is required in Islam for both men and women to preserve the values of society and move the emphasis from superificial appearance to intelligence, knowledge, and God.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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You scored as Existentialism. Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.
?Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.?
?It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.?
--Jean-Paul Sartre
?It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.?
--Blaise Pascal
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...



Justice (Fairness)






Strong Egoism






Divine Command



What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
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My Interests

Music, Theology, History, Football, Soccer

I'd like to meet:

I already know the best people.


A Perfect Circle, Aerosmith, ALICE IN CHAINS, The Allman Brothers Band, Apocolyptica, Sam Ashworth, Astronaut Pushers, Audioslave, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Beck, Jeff Beck, Black Sabbath, Blood Sweat & Tears, Bush, Cake, Candlebox, Cave In, Character, Chevelle, Chicago, Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, Coldplay, Collective Soul, Cream, Credence Clearwater Revival, Neil Diamond, The Deftones, PHIL DILLON, DILLON & BRADY, Derek and the Dominos, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Everytime I Die, Filter, FLASH, Ben Folds, Foo Fighters, Fuel, Marvin Gaye, Goo Goo Dolls, Greenday, Jimi Hendrix, Hoobastank, Incubus, Billy Joel, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, Live, Lynard Skynyrd, Maroon 5, Matchbox 20, JOHN MAYER, Curtis Mayfield, METALLICA, Marcus Miller, Moody Blues, Van Morrison, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, NIRVANA, Oasis, Offspring, Outkast, PEARL JAM, Tom Petty, Wilson Pickett, Pink Floyd, The Police, Elvis Presley, Queen, Queens of the Stoneage, Radiohead, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, The Rascals, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Otis Redding, Smokey Robinson, The Rolling Stones, The Saints, Sam & Dave, Sevendust, Shinedown, Smashing Pumpkins, Spinal Tap, Sound Garden, Staind, Steely Dan, Stone Temple Pilots, The Strokes, Sublime, System of a Down, The Temptations, Tenacious D, Third Eye Blind, Tool, Tower of Power, Vast, Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Wallflowers, The Who, WICHITA STALLIONS, Wierd Al, Wolfmother, Stevie Wonder, The Yardbirds, Yes, Frank Zappa, The Zombies


This Is Spinal Tap, Stand By Me, The Princess Bride, Office Space, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Good Fellas, Wedding Crashers, BasketBall, Dodge Ball, Troy, Pirates of the Carribbean, Tombstone, Pulp Fiction, Dumb and Dumber, Super Troopers, Dogma, Ace Ventura(1 and 2), Bubba Ho-Tep, Shaun of the Dead, Wayne's World (1 and 2), Fight Club, Mall Rats, Dirty Work, Old School, Reservior Dogs, Space Balls, Blazing Saddles, Almost Famous, Old Boy.


Classic Nick, Stand-Up Comedy, MST3K, Football, Reboot,Psychotonomy

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I don't read much fiction, but I do have a slew of theology books. Here are some of the good ones: Mythology, The Gospel of Thomas, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Why I Am Not A Christian, The Gnostics, and The Jesus Mysteries, Jesus and the Lost Goddess.


Phil. Andrew, pantless. "Work" Scrotum and Chris, Myrtle Beach Waffle House. JorgeWhole! Everyone wanted to be on Blake's team for Reelfoot kickball.

My Blog

Damn you camera phone

    If the camera on my phone worked well, I'd have a really funny picture to post with this.  I often see a certain car while I deliver around Knoxville.  On this car is a bu...
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 08:45:00 PST

Turning Point

    I've thought about this for a long time, and now I'm finally going to do it.  I'm going to change my major from Logistics to History.  I've seen the people in the college ...
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:08:00 PST


    I'm a misanthrope, but I let optimism get the best of me sometimes.  If you give me a glimmer of hope, I cling to it .  I dwell....
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:46:00 PST

I wonder

    Sometimes you wonder how someone could possibly think a certain way about you, and then you realize that you've never given them a reason to think any other way....
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 07:46:00 PST

I worry...

    ...about absolutely nothing.
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 11:13:00 PST


    Have you ever gone through a period where every word that comes out of your mouth doesn't sound like something you'd say?  I've been in that rut for months now.  I regret ...
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:01:00 PST

I'm so bad at guaging people...

    Really, I never have any fucking clue, which leads to a lot of incorrect guessing.
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 06:13:00 PST

Congratulations You Bigot Fucks

    Well, you got it, way to go;  85% of you fuckers voted for Amendment 1.  Thanks for showing how fucking level-headed you are.  Thank God for regressive people such as...
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 12:58:00 PST

I think our culture should evolve beyond the use of 'lol'

Just a thought...
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:40:00 PST


    Lately, I've been having numerous dreams on the same subject.  They're eerily vivid, which always makes me believe that they're real for the extent of the dream.  People a...
Posted by Arbitrary Emo Lyric (Lyrical Paradox) on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:20:00 PST