the used! the used! the used! _ (L)(L)(L)!
fall out boy.
from first to last.
taking back sunday.
senses fail.
new found glory.
enter shikari.
the red jumpsuit apparatus.
the academy is
funeral for a friend.
paolo nutini.
snow patrol.
the spill canvas.
blink 182.
saw1+2. havent seen 3
battle royale.
girl interupted.
family guy.
she is well mazin. [:
she really dsnt know hw much she means to me!
she's the best!
+she always makes me pure laugh, no matter wht.
we get drunk +sing songs +do well stupid stuff together.
+i have such an amazing tym when i'm with her.
things will be the same as the old days agen!
ilu. xxx
she's a pure space cadet.
we are thee legandary amy &rachel! (:
she's my other half (: haha.
+ppl begin to wonder when we're nt together :P
she always makes me smile.
i love her to wee bits.
we've had some of the best tyms ever. _deebzy.
we've also had some of the best tyms.
even though we dnt see each other much as i'd lyk to.
bt when i do see her. i love evry minute i'm with her.
we have the best talks +it seems lyk whenever we're together i get closer +closer to her. it's great. (:
she's amazing.
summer 05 was the best _rachey.
the most amazin aunty out. [:
team rachel!!!; well owns team ghetto!
hah yer the bestest.
ye put up with me, +ye make me laugh so much.
we always have a pure laugh, even though everyone else just thinks we're weird :Plol.
love talking bout back in the day with ye. +just havin a lol.
+yer always there for me.
i really love you so much man. dnw wht i'd do without ye "/
ilu! xxx
yer well amazin! [:
nicest boy i know.
sometyms he kinda worries me with the wee queer things he dz. bt its all gd :P lol.
+he thinks ave gt an obbsession with guys with long messy hair +points out guys to me @lunch, bt i think it's actually him. :P
ye always make me smile.
even though ye pure bully me +beat me up!!
mon the higher matthss ;P
ilu. xxx
awshty. yer just well cute!
my fiance, tht proposed to me in the middle ae central.
it's well giid being drunk with ye cz we have a pure laugh!!!! [:
doing well stupid stuff.
+yer amazin.
jack! lololl.
ilu. xxx
honestly thee most amazin guy you could ever meet!!!
lyk actual.
i can remember the first day i met this legend lyk it was yesterday!!
miss you so much!
i miss how if you were with him +you got cold he would give you his jacket coz he never got cold cz he did karate:P!
ilu. xxx
this girl is actually my hero. we have a bond ;P lol. she is so amazin. +i have so much respect for her. i feel asif i can trust her so much.
she is jus well amazin! ++her voice is beautiful. she gives me butterflies when she sings. (:
ilu xxx
this lassy is sooo STUNNIN!!! lyk actual. (:
+she's such an amazing person.
+a laugh to be around.
what more could ye ask for?
miss ye, hope to see ye more this summer bt!!
ilu xxx
hah he's jus a pure legend!
1 ae the funniest ppl ever.
have had some of the best tyms with him. pure miss yrs ago hanging bout wi this boy. +all the old hammy crew. was pure great. dnt really see him much anymore, part fae steemin in central on a satrday night. lol. or if he's on the same train as me. +i sit +tell him hw much i love him. lol. (:
ilu xxx
kenna. my boay!
the boay wi the banter!
she is also a pure legend!!
never met a lassy lyk her, there's never a dull moment wi this yin.
she's actual puuuure funny +abit mad.
if im needing some advice or cheering up or just needin a laugh i always go to her. (:
she's myboaay!!
+1 day we're gonny meet the man himself, barry scott ilu. xxx
big chow, she's lyk a big sister to me. (:
+i know shed always be there for me.
+she's jus a well amazin person.
ilu. xxx
ally bally.
tbs boyy +the used lassy!! he gives the best hugs in the world, theyre amazing.
+he's just lovely.
ilu. xxx
first time we met we wanted to kill each other!! haha.
but i love this handsome devil to wee bits now! :)
he's brilliant! we have some laugh all the time, wether we're sitting laughing @random people walking by or getting a cheeky wee booze. he is total mental and i wouldn't have it any other way.
he has been through junkies +everything!! haha. pure brave so he is!
sometimes he talks to fast when he's on drugs +people don't understand him, but i can always manage to translate lol.
he's just brilliant tbh!
ilu. xxx
another one ae the mental characters i like to call my friends. she's well amazing! sum buzz like!
i practically lived with this lassy for about a week +tbh i've never drank so much or had cheese toasties that tasted so good. her banter is brilliant +she's just such a lol to be with! :)
ilu. xxx
these ppl are my world!![:
i actual pure love them so much it's unbelievable!!! no matter wht happens, lyk ever, i will always be there for them. +they should know tht.