Tbh i'd like the boy who doesn't act differently infront of certain people. The boy who's not afraid just to be himself. The boy who'll act like a big kid with me. The boy who'll be there through the good and the bad times. The boy who knows how to put that smile on my face :). The boy who'll hold my hand through the bad times. The boy who seems to make all the bad stuff go away with just one hug :). The boy who i can talk to for hours and not get bored. The boy who'll just stay with me when i'm feeling like shit. The boy who gives me that funny feeling in my tummy every time i see him. The boy who always knows what to say to make me laugh. The boy who doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. Tbh i'd like the boy who really cares :).
Megin Doig.
Tbh this girl is the true meaning of friendship. Anytime i need a wee chat or just even a hug she's always there. She'll always take the time to listen to me when i'm going on about something and laughs with me at pure random stuff. I love wee night at hers because you leave her house laughing :). Whether it's watching old-ish movies or watching shitey t.v at 5am it always makes you laugh :). I love how i've known her a year but it feels like i've known her all my life. I can honestly say i don't know what i'd do without her. I love wee msn convos with her because the simply cannot be beaten. We talk about utter shite but it somehow ends with you sitting in stitches laughing at it. She's like the sister i've never had tbh. I love how she made the most memorable first impression ever, by telling Andrew that she was going to take the keys of his house and rape it. This girl tries to tell me i'm a dirty minded wee creep, but a lovely one :). lol. but i think it's quite clear who's got a dirty mind and it's not me ;). I love how we can say somethings to each other and it's only us that fully understand what we're on about. Like when we hit out with "shitey photography" and "george and joyce" :). I love how simply saying that can have us in stitches laughing lol :). I love wee days in town with her and how we have a wee pact that we need to buy something when we go to the disney store. I have so many memories with her and hopefully there'll be many more to come lol :). She's one of my closest friends and i hope i never lose her. Cause i think if i did a wee bit of me would disappear. I wouldn't be the same "pervy" wee idiot i am today i think i'd turn into a completely different person if i lost her. Tbh i'm glad i made that bebo last year :). Cause if i never i don't think i'd be able to cope without her lol :). BFFAEL(L). Friendship that is pure rock solid :). Friendship that just can't be beaten :). So ayee :). Be jealous love :).
Caitlin Mackay.
This girl puts up with my bitching all the time lol. She'll listen to me when somethings really annoyed me and she'll always manage to make me feel better. I love wee days out up town with her. Whether it's arranging a shopping trip or even just going up for a wander about the shops there's never a dull moment :). I love how we run to get on trains and they end up going to somewhere completely different and we have to get the train back to westerton and then wait for another train lol. I love dancing with her at the cathouse and how we alwaysalwaysalways buy relentless together :)(L). I love how wee days together can give us soo many wee memories :). Like when we drink ;), lol. I don't think i could cope without her tbh. I only met her last year and it feels as though i've known her my entire life. I love how wee days doing nothing can turn out to be so much fun :). I like how when someone mentions the Wii i start killing myself laughing because of this girl. When she's drunk playing it you'll be in stitches laughing watching her lol :). This girl's always there for me when i need her most. I don't think she knows how much she means to me tbh. She's one of my closest friends and i hope she always will be :).