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"The Destiny Kingdom Cathedral"

Where EAGLES Gather!

About Me

ABOUT OUR FOUNDER & SENIOR PASTOR, Overseer Desingate D. La'Mar Stoudmire
The Music, The Ministry, The Man.....
In every dispensation, there are many who are called, but there are few that are chosen to carry out a mandate from God. There is a vessel that has yielded and dedicated himself to God totally, that vessel is in the person of Overseer Designate D. LaMar Stoudmire. He is an anointed choir director, worship psalmist, powerful preacher of the word of God, accurate prophet, and an entrepreneur. He is a man of God walks in the five-fold ministry. These are just some of the attributes that makes up this anointed vessel.
Overseer Stoudmire hails from the city of Buffalo, NY. Overseer Stoudmire has ministered in prisons, hospitals, college campuses, high schools, and street rallies for over 15 years. He has served and helped many communities at large in the body of Christ. He overcame many personal obstacles, failures, ridicule, and setbacks in his life that causes him operate under such a powerful anointing that brings total deliverance to those who experience his ministry. This vessel walks in the five-fold apostolic anointing partnered with the spirit of excellence, and professionalism.
His Mandate.....
Overseer Stoudmire’s ecclesiatical mandate is The Destiny Kingdom Cathedral in Wilmington/Newark, DE. He serves as the senior pastor and founder. He also is the founder and overseer of the national fellowship “The Day of Pentecost Fellowship of Ministries” (formerly known as The Levitical Alliance Fellowship).
His Contact Information...
This young man is an anointed prophet, and an apostolic leader in the body of Christ. He is one of newest most sought after preachers in the country. He has been blessed to share stages with the best in the gospel music industry and preaching realms. If you would like to have him as a guest speaker at your church or event,
please contact:
Email: [email protected] ****** Office Phone 302-353-2126
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Ministry e-mail: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 14/03/2007
Band Website: elijahsmantledkc.webs.com
Band Members: Senior Pastor:
Overseer Desingate D. La'Mar Stoudmire

Bishop Larry D. Trotter, Sweet Holy Spirit Church of Chicago
Evangelist Dorinda Clark-Cole
The Late Bishop G.E. Patterson
Pastor Dr. Doris Huff (Spiritual Mother)
My mother..Evangelist Gloria Jean Stoudmire-Wilson
Prophetess Juanita Bynum II
Sounds Like: The Anointing
Isaiah 10:27vs
Record Label: The Destiny Kingdom Cathedral
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Welcome to our MySpace of Elijah's Mantle Destiny Kingdom Cathedral

To God Be The Glory for the Things that He Has Done!!We want to take this time to say, Welcome to our NEW MySpace Page. This page was formerly our senior pastor evangelistic page, but the Lord saw fit...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 22:54:00 GMT