2nd Chapter of Acts profile picture

2nd Chapter of Acts

About Me

My name is Grace.
I am a born again believer in Christ Jesus!

This is my all time favorite Christian group. Obtained my first album of theirs in 1977 and from there on, I have been so blessed by their music. Saw them in concert in South Florida in the late 1980's three times.
I confess that there is only one triune God, eternally co-existent in three distinct persons. Each person in the Trinity is equal with the other; yet, each manifests a particular ministry and function: God the Father who is our Creator; God the Son who is our Redeemer (Savior); and God the Holy Spirit who is our Comforter and Helper.
I confess that Jesus The Christ is the incarnate sinless Son of God. In the Incarnation, Jesus The Christ is both totally human and totally divine in His nature. He was murdered, died upon a cross and was raised from the dead on the third day. Those who receive this Risen Christ as Savior and Lord, inherit eternal life and experience the present reality of abundant life by faith and obedience to Him.
I confess that this new creation is by the power of the Holy Spirit and that the same Holy Spirit thus enables the Christian to live an overcoming and vistorious life in this Risen Lord. I believe that the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit is to manifest the gifts of God (charismata) through the people of God, and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit (charismata) are intended to empower the believer for victorious living and dynamic witnessing in the present age
Blessings and love to Annie, Nelly and Matthew and thank you for the God given talent that you have and are sharing still.
Two of my favorite songs are, "Make My Life A Prayer To You," and "Which Way The Wind Blows."
Thank you to all who come here and share comments about this wonderful trio. You will be a blessing to all who read.
If you are at all familiar with Christian music from the 1970's and 1980's, then you know how wonderful this group, The Second Chapter of Acts was with sisters Annie Herring, Nelly Ward and brother Matthew Ward.
Even though The Second Chapter of Acts has disbanned in the late 1980's, their music lives on today in the hearts of many fans, me being one of them!

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Member Since: 14/03/2007
Band Website: http://www.2ndchapterofacts.com/
Band Members: Annie, Nelly and Matthew
Influences: One of my favorite songs:
Which Way the Wind Blows

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Record Label: Unsigned

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