BIO - Kapela Pixie and the Devils vznikla na zaciatku roka 2007. Svojou dnesnou tvorbou sleduje zachytavanie kolektivnych impresii do skladieb oprostenych o schemy a bezne standardy, pod vplyvom vzorov ako Incubus, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Pearl Jam a stimulantov napriklad: Kasabian, Lavagance, The Mars Volta pricom stále ostáva rovnako hudobne vynaliezavá.
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The band Pixie and the Devils was founded in the beginning of the remarkable year 2007. Since then, they..ve managed to become one of the best live acts and most dynamic alternative rock bands in the business. Their main goal is to capture their common impressions in songs liberated from schemes and common standards, under such influences as Incubus, Pink Floyd, Radiohead and stimulants like Kasabian, Lavagans and The Mars Volta, always complying with musical inventiveness and progressivity.
Last Show:
Randall (Birthday Show)
Hysterka (Blast Beat)
Unique club (support - Cliche, Sako)
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