About Me
VlastnÃm jménem Jan LudvÃk se poprvé setkal s elektronickou hudbou u kamaráda v garaži, kde pořádali vlastnà párty. Hrálo se pÅ™evážnÄ› disco, house, nebo rnb. Postupem Äasu, v dobÄ› kdy se dostal k internetu, pÅ™isel k vÄ›cem které mu opravdu imponovali, až jednoho dne v roce 2005 narazil na hudbu, která ho svou rychlostà a naÅ¡lapanostà doslova strhla. Vytvářela neuvěřitelný balzám na duÅ¡i, který ho navždy poznamenal. OkamžitÄ› zaÄal stahovat ze vÅ¡ech Äeských dnb serverů sety, nebo jednotlivé tracky různých producentů, a protože s jÃdlem roste chuÅ¥, zaÄal vyhledávat v jeho okolà dalÅ¡Ã lidi se tejným zájmem. Tak se dostal k Wentolinovi, který mÄ›l s hranÃm nejen drumů už nÄ›kolik let zkuÅ¡enostÃ. NauÄil ho techniku a základy profesionálnÃho mixovánà a tak se po roce tréningu v programech Traktor 2 a Virtual Dj nauÄil vÅ¡e nutné, aby mohl postoupit dál. TÃm dalÅ¡Ãm krokem bylo poÅ™Ãzenà gramců. Už pÅ™edtÃm nakupoval dnb desky, takže se pustil do mixovánà hned, co své miláÄky znaÄky Technics položil na stůl a pustil do nich šťávu. Tento tah mu dootevÅ™el dveÅ™e a v rozletu na cestu DJ už nebránilo nic. Od té doby se objevuje jako úÄinkujÃcà na různých akcÃch a je znát, že je svému životnÃmu konÃÄku fakt oddaný, protože jeho skill akci od akce roste a pokaždé má co pÅ™edvést.
Own name Jan LudvÃk for the first time encountering electronic music near friend in garage, where arrange personal couple of. Act largely disco, gosling, or rnb. In the process, at the time when got to Internet cafe, square to the point which him really impose, as far as one day in the year 2005 rammed set to music that the him his at speeds of verbatim tear down. Create incredible balsam on soul that the him for ever noted. At once began draw off of all Czech dnb servers sets, or individual tracks different producers, and because with food shoot up taste, began search in his surroundings next people same focus. So got to Wentolinovi that the had with edge not only kind already several years experience. Learn him technology and bases professional mixing so after a year training in programmes Tractor 2 and Virtual Dj learn everything necessary, in order to get on along. By next step was acquisition gramme. Already before shopped dnb portfolio, so that let go to the mixing at once, what his dears brands Technics laid over the table and let go to the they juice. This stroke him to the-opened door and in flight for the trip DJ already no prevented nothing. Since detects like performer on different actions and is know, that the be wedded life little horse fact attached, because his skill action from action shoot up and every time has what demonstrate.
Top producers
SURVIVAL, Break, Catacomb, Tactile, Psidream, Quadrant, Noisia, Chris.Su, Causen 4 Concern, Ed.Rush a Optical, The Sect, Commix, Phace, Spectrasoul, Zero Tolerance, Alix Perez, Lynx, Random Movement, Calibre, Breakage, Icicle, High Contrast ..and many more
Top labels
Comerical Suicide, Deepest Cut, Citrus, Timeless, Red Light, Sudden Def, Subtitles, Metro vs Viper, Virus, Offkey Rec., Hospital Rec., Renegade Hardware, Liquid V, Shogun Audio, Soul:R, Innerground, Signature, Bassbin, Critical ..and many more