About Me
Born in Alabama, raised in Moss Point, Mississipp through high school. Moved to New York when I was eighteen.Atended Fordham Univeristy, Lincoln Center, New York City. I always dreamed of acting on television. From about two years old, I always knew I wanted to be an actress, just didn't know where to begin. My friends and I used to dress up and pretend like we were actress/divas in Hollywood. I wrote my first play in the seventh grade. Writing was natural for me. I was very shy. Growing up in church, acting in skits and short plays helped somewhat to get over or deal with my shyness.
At eighteen, I moved to to New York to study acting. Became involved with numereous theatre groups, off Broadway, off off Broadway, Community Theaters, i.e. Frank Silvera Workshop, Hadley Players, National Black Theatre, Frederick Douglas Theatre, New Federal Theatre, HB Studios, Harlem School of the Arts, and countless others. While residing in New York for many years, afforded me opportunities to pursue my acting career in film, television, commericals and theater. I attended Fordhan University, obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication and a Masters of Science in Educational Psychology. Utilizing my minor degree in Computer Science afforded me to be employed at Verizon as a System Analyst Manager. While working for Verizon, I continued to pursue my career in television, film and theatre. Seeing the need, I founded Nikao Imani Productions, a marketing and training school for high school and college graduates. While pursuing my acting career, I wrote and published my first book of poetry. Sold over three thousand copies mostly from speaking engagements and some from various bookstores, i.e. Borders, etc. Currently, I have completed a revised edition of my poetry book, and is writing a novel about pursuing a career in Hollywood from an African American Woman perspective. Also, over the years, I have written countless theatrical plays and a few short screenplays. My most noteworthy writing was "I Question America-Legacy of Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer. I am currently traveling the Country performing my one woman show. I've performed over eighty eight shows on the college circuit & the show is one of the most popular shows on the American College scene. I relocated to Los Los Angeles seven years ago. Landed my first role on a tv show within weeks of residing in Los Angeles, the rest is history, no Her-story, no My-story. For years, I have benn acting professionally & have acquired an extensive acting resume w/ over 20 TV & film credits including guest star and co-star roles on ER, Once and Again, Passions, Another World, All My Children, As The World Turns, One Life To Live, Sesame Street, Dharma & Greg, Cosby Mysteries, Law & Order, Zodiac, A Good Day, Donnie Brasco, Rat Race, Hazing, Shakedown, Fences, Crucible, A Raisin In The Sun, Do Lord Remember Me, Steal Away, Purlie, Black Girl, to name a few.
I've traevled throught the Country, West Coast, East Coast, North and South, performing in theaters with other productions. Over the years, I have been cast in countless theatarical productions. Lastly, I started EP's BootCamp for Actors."Man's impossibility, is God's possibilty."www.lulu.com/epmcknight, www.cdbaby.com, www.youtube.com/nikaoimani, www.iquestionamerica-fannielouhamer.com, breakingthroughwithep.blogspot.com