In November of 2002 Kief (drums) and Walli (guitar) started jamming just for fun. After a few sessions they finished some songs and they started searching for a bass player and a singer. In March of 2003 Buzz (bass) and Basti (vocals) completed our line-up.
In 2005 Buzz left the band and was replaced by Hannes, a long time friend of us who also played bass on some tracks featured on the “this prison…†LP.
In 2007, after a lot of touring all over the world and recording one demo, three LPs and three EPs all of us needed a time out. We all stayed in contact and kept playing in bands and we always shared the idea of keeping SKRÄCK alive.
Now it’s 2009 and Walli, Hannes, Basti and Eik, our new drummer, are back to kick some ass.