I know a place where dreams are born
And time is never planned
It's not on any chart
You must find it in your heart
Never never land
It may be miles beyond the moon
Or right there where you stand
Just keep an open mind
And then suddenly you'll find
Never never land
You'll have a treasure if you stay there
More precious far than gold
For once you have found your way there
You will never, never grow old
And that's my home where dreams are born
And time is never planned
Just think of pleasant things
And your heart will fly on wings, forever in
Never never land
Lyrics provided by CompleteMyspace.com Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Universe card, sometimes called the World card. The Universe is the complete, perfect whole. The spiritual path has come to an end and enlightenment is reached. Events have reached completion. The different facets of your life are well-integrated and harmoniously balanced. This is an ideal state in which to rest and feel the true state of your vibrant physical being. Your creative potential is maximized and you have achieved goals that you have set for yourself in the past. After enjoying the pleasure of this state, a new cycle can begin with new challenges and triumphs that will keep you feeling alive and keep building on the foundations you have planted thus far. Image from The Stone Tarot deck. http://hometown.aol.com/newtarotdeck/
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You scored as Artist. You are an Artist Empath, one who creates their own reality and infuses the realities of others with your energy & emotions. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the color of your eyes. Your spirit dances with the winds and paints delight in the evening sky. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Empaths/)
Fallen Angel
What Kind of Empath Are You?
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