The Name's Siobhan
My birthday is October 30th
I get really excited about my birthday and usually celebrate it for a week
I'm MARRIED to and madly in love with Tim, so if you're trying to hookup, holla, or anything along those lines..you're wasting your time
I have the weirdest, yet, coolest family in the world!
I'm addicted to tattoos. I NEED MORE NOW!
I have my septum pierced and I like it..I don't care if you do because you're probably uptight and too afraid to express yourself anyway
I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings
I have a love for New Orleans that you couldn't understand unless you've experienced it the way I have
I'm a dancing maching! I will dance even if there isn't any music. I like to rub my butt on people.
I AM pro-choice
I should be far more afraid of people than I actually am
I like to take pictures of everything..trees, the sky, myself, other people..it's a passion of mine I suppose
I'm FINALLY going to school for hair and I WILL be famous for it one day