I am interested in a lot of stuff. I like sports, baseball LETS GO METS, football, hockey and basketball. I love winter for the snoboarding which i attempt as much as my wallet provides. But summer is my favorite season becuase if im not snoboarding, i hate the cold. I like to stay on the move, keep busy. I like to go out and experience the world, weather it be hiking or driving, hit up the city for all the cultural and learning it has to offer, hitting up a mueseum, and reunions wit old friends.
Just real people, if I know you already send me a friend reaquest n we can reaquaint. If u r a fake ass nucca then stay away I cant be bothered. I am always down for networking and meeting new people but cant stand drama and bullshit so keep that to urself, thank u.
Notorious BIG, eminem, DMX, Tribe, Outcast, Twalib, atmosphere, WU Tang, Rakim, Mob Deep, Mos Def, Canibus, 2Pac, D Block, Jay Z, the underground scene, Hendrixs, Petty, Morrison, CCR, Zeplin, Dave, OAR, Counting Crows, Skynyrd, the Peppers,.....I love music, this could take all day.
Tombstone, Heat, goodfellas, Hurly burly, van wilder, harold and kumar, road trip, king of NY, Scarface, Carlitos way, American Beauty, 40 year old Virgin, Super troopers, Dumb n Dumber, ......
ESPN,Family guy, South Park, The boondocks, the oblongs, the Daily show, the Colbert Report, Discovery channel, history channel....
Animal Farm, most Stephen king and Dean Koontz books,....