Circle That A is a Non Profit Distro, all money made form distro goes right back in to get more titles. So the more you put in the more you get out. I Take NO Cut Of any of the money. If there are any titles you want Just message me or email me with your requests and I'll see what I can do.
To order, message me or email me at [email protected] with what you would like to order, how you would like to order (money order/ paypal), and where you would like it shipped. I will then email or message you back with your total. If you live in the area feel free to email or message me what you want and i can probably meet you somewhere so you don't have to pay shipping.
To get our catalog message me, email me, or check out the blogs.
I will list the shows I will be bringing the distro to, in the shows section.
If there is a show I am not going to That you think I should be at message/email me and let me know about it.
My personal record collection is on my user name is
circle_That_a. I'm down for trades but keep in mind the list is not complete (i am working on keeping it up to date). Everything on my list is for trade even though it says there not. Email or message me for trades.
If your Band would like to put Out a Release on Circle That A Records message/email me.
If you would like Circle That A Records to Distribute your zine or anything for that matter then Message/Email me and I will give You The address To Ship It too.
If your band is looking to play a show in the St.pete/Tampa area message/email me and I would be happy to try and Find your band a show.
Contact information:
Phone: 727-452-5096 (You can Text to this phone as well as call it. Leave a message if No One Answers)
Email: [email protected]
Myspace URL:
Email: [email protected]