Alright for those of you who know me, my life pretty much consists of smoking kush, working, and putting on a good laugh for everyone .! I have few choice friends that i enjoy seeing everyday of my life and wouldnt give it up for the world .! Realizing that tattoos very easily become an addiciton. I work for In N Out .! The more and more life goes on the more i realize how lucky i really am .! Life is nothing but obstacles.Ive had to many close calls from fucking up and its getting old .! So you can either take it in as a lesson or the beginning of something .! As far as the future goes..i have a pretty high standard of what im shooting for and fuck me if i let anything get in my way .! Making money and being able to spend it, is about the best feeling you could ever have .! Driving around wasting my gas is a natural .!
Now That Ive Given You A Taste...
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