imikimi - Customize Your World!DREAM CATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN "Helping To Perish A Child's Nightmare" Sondra Porter ~ Founder & President ~Established 2008~CHILD ABUSE is a MAJOR natiionwide problem & it's Killing our children.Educate Youself Learn The Facts We'll Show You How It Could Save A Child's LifeWHAT IS CHILD ABUSE? Child abuse is the physical, psychological or sexual maltreatment of children.There are Four Catagoies of Abuse: PHYSICAL SEXUAL EMOTIONAL NEGLECTPHYSICAL ABUSE Burns, Cuts, Wells, Bites & Marks Anti-social Behavior Problems In SchoolSEXUAL BEHAVIOR Inappropriate Knowledge Of Sex Nightmares/BedWetting Drastic Change In Appetite Excessive Agression Fear Of A Particular PersonEMOTIONAL ABUSE SIGNS Apathy/Depression Hostility Or Stress Lack Of Concentration Eating DisordersOUR ORGANIZATION WILL OFFER YOU THE RESOURCES NECESSARY TO GIVE YOU THE KNOWLEDGE TO BETTER UNDERSTAND ABUSE.Please Visit Our HOTLINE NUMBERSCHILD ABUSE HOTLINE1 (800) 422-4453CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE HOTLINE1 (888) PREVENTVICTIMS OF CRIME CENTER1 (800) 394-2255FAMILY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE1 (800) 799-SAFEMISSING & EXPLOITED CHILDREN1 (800) THE-LOSTRAPE & INCEST NETWORK (RAIIN)1 (800) 656-4673ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE ABUSE1 (800) 784-6776NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION1 (800) 273-8255NATIONAL RUNAWAY HOTLINE1 - (800) 786-2929Here at lbccountrynow we take abuse of children very seriuosly! One Child is One Child too many.
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