Casey is Godless profile picture

Casey is Godless

Dead baby farm.

About Me

I'm Casey, I live in Damascus, Oregon at Fort Purgatory. I live with my 4 roommates Davita, Joni, Kyle, and Matt. It's a pretty sweet gig. I work at Round Table Pizza, but hopefully I'll be getting a job at the airport. That would be nice to fly for free all over the place. I like going to bars and drinking. I'm also in a band, but it's sort of a half ass band... we sound really cool when we actually make music.

My Interests

Making music, listening to music, playing guitar, playing drums, organs, and pianos, playing bass, humor, parties, the Spanish language, my friends, altered states of mind, creativity, politics, history, wiener dogs, pictures, movies, vox amplifiers, home recording, drinking, smoking, girls, relationships, sex, food, art, acting, hiking, biking, backpacking, the outdoors, Canada, travel, Mexico, meeting new people, the word 'fuck', I adore all of my friends, collecting CDs and vinyls, seeing shows, playing shows, the rain, going downtown, shopping, becoming obsessed with things, girls in bands, black coffee, old people, talking, dimly lit rooms, and of course talking in dimly lit rooms are a few of my favorite things. A few things I can't stand; the overly religious, people without substance, the white trash, George W. Bush, Bush's cabinet, bigots, people who give up/give in, bad music, shitty instruments, gross food, gross/expired beer, failing, sunburns, annoying kids who go to shows, smoking, most laws, old burnt out people, and of course ugly babies (It's so disappointing.)

I'd like to meet:

Everybody Cool... Come to Fort Purgatory.


The Dandy Warhols, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Sigur Ros, Quintron, White Stripes, Old Weezer, Eliott Smith, The Decemberists, Bad Religion, Modest Mouse, Interpol, Death Cab for Cutie, The Sexy, Outkast, Mogwai, Blood Brothers, Grandmaster Flash, BRMC, Bjork, Cat Stevens, The Creation, The Cure, Herbie Hancock, Kean, The Kinks, Kiss, Mark Mothersbaugh, Muse, NOFX, The Pixies, They Might Be Giants, Queen, Run DMC, The Streets, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, My Regrets, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Everclear, Jimi Hendrex, Secnd Best, Ramones, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Elton John, The Ventures, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Simon and Garfunkle, REM, The Strokes, Dave Harris, Smashing Pumpkins, Sound Garden, Man of the Year, Phantom Planet, The WHO,Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth, Love, Roy Orbison, Three Dog Night, The Doors, Beach Boys, Stone Temple Piolts, Chemical Brothers, Johnny Cash, Paul simon, The Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Billy Joel, Vandals, Beck, Elvis, Postal Service, The Music, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Easy E, Eminem, NWA, Green Day, and of course I like the Beatles. ... and more


Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic Dig, Triplets of Bellville, Farenheit 9/11, Kill Bill 1/2, Cool Hand Luke, Alien, Psycho, Annie Hall, LOTR: Trilogy, Almost Famous, Saving Private Ryan, Being John Malkovich, Lost in Translation, American Splendor, Super Size Me, Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine, Rock 'n' Roll High School, Fiddler On the Roof, Half Baked, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Dirty Work, Dumb and Dumber, School of Rock, most Sandler, Star Wars(all), Empire Records, Hype!, Die Hard trillogy, Punch Drunk Love, Yellow Submarine, Help, Magical Mystery Tour, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing, Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Nightmare Before Christmas, Jesus Camp, The Wall, Grandma's Boy, Pulp Fiction, V for Vendetta.


Beavis & Butthead, South Park, Aqua Teen, Family Guy, Wonder Showsen, UCB, The D, and Flight of the Concords. Other than that it's all crap... Well not House, sort of a guilty pleasure really...


I like to read The Portland Mercury, things that I write, and a lot of books everybody reads like Hunter S. Thompson stuff, and shit like that. Other than that I'm not a big reader... I'm a writer.


Pete, from The Dandy Warhols, Max Fischer, God, John Lennon, George Harrison, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Elvis, my brother Jason, and Matt Dodak.

My Blog

I like making music.

I have finally started work on a solo album, It's begining fantastically! I have two songs finished and mostly recorded. I have a great deal of other songs that just need lyrics. I've been writing and...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 09:11:00 PST


It's been a long time since I posted a blog, so here I am doing that.... Panda Express is fucking bomb. I never had the urge to go there until like a week ago since then I've gone 5 times. Go there, r...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 03:30:00 PST

Mexico Pt. 2 (Nick's Party)

... The next day I woke up at four in the morning, my shoulder was wet, and I had put my hand in something on my bed. I knew exactly what it was, vomit, but I was still a little drunk and surely too ...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

San Miguel de Allende Gto. Mexico

The best fucking place I've ever been to. The first night I got in and checked out my house and met the family I was staying with. Then I went with my roommate to check out the town, we found the scho...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Casey Evan Campbell

I'm fucking tired. Not in the literal sense where I might just fall asleep on my keyboard. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of living with my parents, and not having money. I'm tired of learning an...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm fucking tired of school, trust me when I say summer is a welcome thing. I'll be able to relax, work with my dad, and I won't really have a lot to worry about. I also get to go to Mexico in a coupl...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

See The Sexy for free...

Practices have been going pretty good. We have been throwing a lot of really good ideas around. Since we are kind of particular about our sound, and our songs, we have been taking a long time to get s...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Well, here we go.

I have made a pretty cool decision. Chris Newbold and I are teaming up with Matt Dodak and Kyle Ikola, Secnd Best and The Sexy. We are going to form a record label. It's going to be small time, but we...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Okay I don't have anything that cool to say, but I did keep my GPA up. Good news: there is a name for my sideproject... Hot Salt, It's going to be good. The Sexy is shaping up real nice. We are soundi...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Here are my options...

Get everything together with classes and everything, get a job and keep living at home. Get things together with classes, cut my classes in half, get a job with benefits, move out, play music, part...
Posted by Casey is Godless on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST