I seem to gravitate to most forms of visual media...Photography/Film/Magazines. I love going to daytime movies alone. I love live jazz, but a recent show taught me that I like the mood sometimes more than the music. The ambient sound hits me more than intense study of performance.Black Tea is my new coffee.
Other freelance people...for creative projects, but more so because I need some friends without real jobs. All of my daytime adventure buddies have either moved away, got real jobs, or become pretty boring. The only benefit of struggling with the financial insecurity of freelance creative work is that you can go to galleries/movies/breakfast anytime you want.
Otis, Curtis, Stevie, Beta band, Flaming Lips, Monk, Miles, and Mingus
anything by Gilliam, Cohn Bros., Jeunet, Errol Morris, or Peter Greenaway.
Arrested Development, Family Guy, Daily Show
Geek Love - Dunn, Amazing Adventures of Cavalier & Clay - Chabon, Narcissus and Goldmund - Hesse, Another Roadside Attraction - Robbins
Avedon, Cartier-Bresson... both died this year :( too many to name. pick an idiom.