hanging out at the Conolly's, gay people, random facts, belt loops, Blistex Lip Infusion in Cherry Splash, beating up whores, hating whores, verbally abusing whores, bitch slapping, mismatched shoe laces, eye makeup, hair dye, body art, black guys (only one now), caring too much about my appearances, "technically", NOT being in band, ANTM, change, artistic expression, literature, cell phones, stickers, ponies, and myspace.com
Well, no one really.As of recently, I have found everyone I need.
CJ Williams: my best friend and the most amazing boyfriend any one could ever hope for. (June 17, 2007)
Whitney Sabbatino: the strongest person i have ever met, even if she doesn't see it like everyone else does. she's also basically my sister, seeing as we were practically raised together since the day i was brought home from the hospital.
Ashley Sabbatino: what can i say about Ashley? nothing can express how much she meant to me and how much i miss her. i wish that i didn't have to lose her to realize how important she was in my life. i think of her everyday and always will. I can't think of childhood without thinking of me, Ashley and Whitney. she has made an indelible mark on me. 05.24.1990-07.20.2007
Vittoria Rice: my bffhs. the only girl i can always count on to make me feel better, not worse, when something is bothering me. the girl who got me through my freshman year and with whom i share about a million inside jokes. my princess Tori.
Kat Tucker
Clay Waddell(sp?)
Bethany Kary
Ben Francis
Devin Arch
Brittany Bohannan
Megan Melarcher
Mick Gerbers
&& all my other buddies =]