In her early thirtees, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern American woman was supposed to want--a husband, country home, successful career--but instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she was consumed by panic and confusion. In EAT, PRAY, LOVE, she tells the story of making the difficult choice to leave behind all the trappings of her success and finding, instead, what she truly wanted from life. Setting out for a year to study three different aspects of her nature amid three different cultures, Gilbert explored the art of pleasure in Italy and the art of devotion in India, and then a balance between the two on the Indonesian island of Bali. Perhaps the New York Times Book Review put it best: "If a more likeable writer than Gilbert is currently in print, I haven't found him or her...Gilbert's prose is fueled by a mix of intelligence, wit, and colloquial exuberance that is close to irresistible."