In a world so desperate for truth, humanity is dying of a thirst we strive to quench with anything that brings relief. Seth's goal is to sonically paint a picture of the love of God to make it easier for you to catch a glimpse of the Creator's face.
Every time Seth and the band step on stage they create a safe haven where people can cast away day-to-day distractions and worship in Spirit and in Truth. "We desire to see people come back to innocence and worship freely and forgiven", says Seth White. He continues on to say, “We want to see the Spirit confront people in a very powerful, real way. People as a whole have gone way off track. We've gotten so wrapped up into seemingly innocent daily distractions and we conveniently give God whatever is left over. God has called us to worship Him with everything we are. We want to see people running back to the Father in song, and collapsing in His safe arms. This is our desire; this is our calling."
Seth’s mission is to help people see that Christ offers life. And if you embrace all that He has for you your thirst will be quenched, and your cup will overflow.