NEW ALBUM OUT NOW! avalable @ "LE BONHEUR, epicerie audiovisuelle" rue Antoine Dansaert n°196, 1000 Brussels -- [email protected]
-------Check out, we are in Roberto Opalio (My Cat Is An Alien) playlist.---------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------influencée tant par le psychedelisme tonal, la noise,
le free-jazz ou l'alternatif experimental, drifting
bears collective est une formation bruxelloise a
l'aube de son histoire. à l'écoute de leur premier
album "south of no north" qui vient de sortir en
coproduction avec la toute jeune structure "subliminal
toy crash" et le magasin "le bonheur", on pense a des
groupes tels que "jackie o motherfucker",
"vibracathedral orchestra" ou aux aspects les plus
déjantés de "sonic youth" explorés dans leur série
SYR; mais il y a pourtant un conglomera jusqu'ici non
répertorié, une énergie viscérale qui contredit mais
cependant complete étonnamment leur quete de
mysticisme tranquille; comme si leurs compositions se
heurtaient inéxorablement à leur attirance pour
l'improvisation sauvage; la surprise devenant une
composante incontournable de leur processus creatif
tant sur disque qu'en concert.
made with the Cosmoedit Myspace Editor
"(...).Luckily this brussels-based ensemble are more than just another shambolic drone jam collective: the Bukowski reference title of the album is telling - this lot are beatniks, not hippies, and the seething tamboura drones and violin scrapings of "Mage Acrylic" are way too vigorous to induce a trance state. The side-long "Cum Back Frost" morphs from gentle banjos and field recordings into prime fuzzy psych, the group playing with wired intensity." (THE WIRE)_______________________________________________________
_________"One of my favorite records of this year." (Roberto Opalio - MY CAT IS AN ALIEN)______________________________________________________
___________This is the long awaited debut LP of Brussels based Drifitng Bears Collective. (...).Many exotic instruments, field recordings and effects were exploited for these succesfull songs. They are to be placed in the ranks of Silvester Anfang, the Corsano/Flaherty duo and Vibracathedral Orchestra. (Johan - KRAAK)------------------------------------------------------
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