Member Since: 13/03/2007
Band Members: Illy _____ noun
1. the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, esp. of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc.......................lyrics/////art
Sarah _____ –noun
1. Also called pipe organ. a musical instrument consisting of one or more sets of pipes sounded by means of compressed air, played by means of one or more keyboards, and capable of producing a wide range of musical effects...........occasionalpercussion///////backingvocals//
Jamie _____ –adjective
1. low in pitch; of the lowest pitch or range: a bass voice; a bass instrument.
2. of or pertaining to the lowest part in harmonic music.
3. the bass part.
4. a bass voice, singer, or instrument.
Ryan _____ –noun
1. a musical percussion instrument consisting of a hollow, usually cylindrical, body covered at one or both ends with a tightly stretched membrane, or head, which is struck with the hand, a stick, or a pair of sticks, and typically produces a booming, tapping, or hollow sound..............occasionalorgan//////synthesizers
Influences: Sparks_
John's Children_
The Modern Lovers_
You Say Party! We Say Die!_
Love Is All_
The Ramones_
Siouxsie and The Banshees_
Be Your Own PET_
The Sonics_
The Velvet Underground_
The Bonniwell Music Machine_
The Glass Family_
The Violets.
Sounds Like:
’... (I) was instantly drawn to a song called ’Apples’ It’s filled with the sound of organs, mysterious vocals and a 60’s garage like rawness to it with a modern new wave twist that many bands would attempt but fail to achieve. ’
- Tapezine
Record Label: Unsigned