Art (any), Skating (board or in a row) Riding and not falling off (motorcycle), MotoGp (Ready Boots?) My kids and family are number One. Mac's (Apples not Daddies), Stopies, Really sharp turns at 60+'s. Other shit I can't think of right now.
Myself One Day
Anything but Country... and Southern Rap.
Hackers, Gatica, Swing Kids, 5th Element, Run lola Run, Any Movie that Gets you thinking and Questioning every-thing.. Trekie till I die (I think that it's a condition) Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy.
Dyslexic = A long time to read a magazine let-alone a whole book!
Albert Einstein, Andy Warhol, Captain Kirk, Steve Jobs, Steve Wazniak, Salvador Dali, BATMAN, Any one who take responsibility for their own actions! Last but not least in any way my Dad and my Grandfather