Samostalni Referenti B.T.S. profile picture

Samostalni Referenti B.T.S.

About Me

BTS BTS BTS!Za Beograd za Zemun za prljave blokove, Za momke s tribina,iz kraja klosare. Za Dunav i Savu,sve prosle godine, Za asfalt u krvi i nase poroke.Za Beograd za Zemun za prljave blokove, Za moje drugare jer nema izdaje, Za devojke prosle,za zene buduce, Za sve nase grehe sto beton pokrice.Za Beograd za Zemun za prljave blokove, Za boemske price,sve gradske mangupe, Za ganju i pivo,sve price iskrene, Za ghetto sto krije sve nase sudbine.Za Beograd za Zemun za prljave blokove, Za vas ispred bine,za pune koncerte, Za Kalis za Gardos i recne dokove, Za nas grad u kom se sve radja i umire....................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .................................................The story begins in 1993 in 61st cluster of apartment houses in New Belgrade, when the 5 of us, in that time just a bunch of kids who had no idea of what music really was, decided to form a band.... We named it "Samostalni Referenti"... I (Fef) wrote our first song: "Zelim Promene"... the four of them started learning how to play, but I moved to Zemun, started listening to punk and the whole idea of band was forgotten... At least until 1996. when I heard, by chance, that Marko (Ref) played the guitar (or rather he was trying to play it!). Mika was the only one of us who really knew something about the music and he was pretty good drummer... On January 23rd we had our first rehearsal which was great to us but not until later did we realize that it was more than awful..... Ref didn't tune his guitar, I sang more that awful (not that I sing any better now!)... We didn't have a bass player, but we found it pretty cool to play like that.... Then another guy who played a guitar joined us and in two months time, we mastered some 10 songs and we were (not) ready for our first gig on may 9th in some atomic shelter in New Belgrade... We were kicked off the stage after 5 songs since they didn't know that we played Punk... However, an article about us appeared in the magazine "Cool", saying that "Samostalni referenti sounds worse that anything that can be heard but they have some vibe, they are not gloomy or murky...". After that gig, Mika left the band because of some clash with Ref... I don't know what happened and I probably never will, but I think that it was the greatest loss for the band because Mika was really a great drummer... Pedja (bass), Pimpa (drums) and Ivan (sax) joined us afterwards... And it was then when we started playing some Ska: "Soledad", "Ne Razumeju", "To je Zivot"... and on March 8th in "Bozidarac", we had our first real gig in front of some 300-400 people... This gig was pretty cool... However - this didn't last long because Pedja got hooked on some shit and left Referenti, Ivan wanted to play for money and he left as well. Only Pimpa stayed for a while... Then a year's break came and during this period some 30 people in turn joined us but none of them remained in the band longer than 2-3 rehearsals... We had several gigs but none of them really worth mentioning... In 1998, we "scrape" ourselves together a bit and we played twice with band NBG and with Atheist Rap... The following year we recorded 12 demo songs - most of them came out pretty badly. The exception was the song "Ne Razumeju". A video for this song was made which did pretty cool, despite it's poor quality... After the success with this video, we got an offer from "Round Records" to record an album which was supposed to be released under their label... Everything was agreed but two days before the beginning of recording they called us demanding that we should change some lyrics. People were afraid that they would be maltreated by then regime but we refused to change lyrics of the songs: "Zelim Promene", "Pogledaj Mama", "Diktator", "Da li Ste sa Nama". They then decided to call off everything. And then new members came and the final "team" is: Ref-guitar, Shnjarovski B-bass, Ljakse-violin, Zhex-drums, Arthur-keyboards, Lung-trumpet,Ogy-trombone, Fef-the singer... The year of 2001 was probably our most successful year... After the success of the video for "Ne Razumeju" we were invited to play several gigs. We played with "Direktori" in SKC, the first Yugoslav SKA festival was organized... Then the gig on the first EXIT festival... two gigs in the club "Scena" in Novi Sad... The new video for the song "Toreador" was released that year, and it became a great hit-it even came to the 2nd place on the hit-list of TV B92... The second Ska Festival was organized the following year and Elvis Jackson (Slovenia), Lost Propelleros (Novi Sad) and we, "Samostalni Referenti" - apperared on the stage that night... On that gig, Ogy (trombone) joined us, and he became a permanent member of the band... We played in Krusevac and Lazarevac and the atmosphere on those gigs was really great... We even recorded those gigs and cuts were used in making our next video for the song "Rocksteady"... The video could not be seen very often on Belgrade's TV stations but on the local TV stations it became quite a hit... At the end of the year we played with Lost Propelleros in Novi Sad and on December 27th, we had a gig in KST which was surprisingly successful... Since 2001 we played many gigs around Serbia,were invited to play abroad but visa's my friends...its hard to be a Serbian:) Video for a song "Ludilo" made a big succes on the Serbian charts.We played a live on TV show "Garaza" and you can download those songs-somewhere:)New bass player Joca joined the band in 2006 and since than,we are more active playing gigs. The plan now is to make a new video for the song "Ziveti u Srbiji" which we need to record first and since we are so well organized,i guess it will take few years. Till than.... We have always been and always will be an anti-political band. We have never had a manager and everything we have done so far, we have done that to help of some of you, our friends, who are reading this now... Thank you all! Samostalni Referenti are thankful to... People from media: Branka (RTS), Ivana (RTS), M.Stolica (RTS 3K), Suvocarov (RTS 3K), Batman (TV Politika), Zorana (B92), Dejana (B92), Jelana (Studio B), Duje (exStB), Minja (TVNS 2), Deki (radio Golf), Tica (radio Politika), Ognjen (Pink), Zivana+bracni drug (RTV B92) Vlada (TV Metropolis) Maja Pasuljevic... if someone is not included, please tell us and we will add.. Bands: Lost Propellero$ (NS), Proces (Nis), NBG (NBgd), Direktori (Bgd), Totalna Destrukcija (NBgd), Atheist Rap (NS) and all other bands with who we played so far! Friends (and relatives): to all of people who passed thru our band, Pecinko (Atheist Rap), Radule (Atheist Rap), Dr.Pop (Atheist Rap), whole crew from Propellero$ for great time which we spent every time when we were guests in Novi Sad, NSka crew (best atmosphere), Joe Cape and to everyone in Krusevac, Sale, Vampir and everyone in Lazarevac, BGD ska ekipi, J.Madunich (see ya soon in Zagreb, Zaza (Pridigarji), Mad Wolley (Skaos), John (Blister), Wolfgang Winkelr (No Sports), Apostol, Jens (Fest), Mothers Pride, Pete Porker (Porkers), Bacci, Slavko, Rene Gasser, Kristof (ex Special Guests), Nikola Sijan, Sabljar, Zdenko, MOS, to webmaster of this site and to all others who helped us and we forgot to mention... Special: Caca, Veka, mama Sladja (who listened to us for 2 months while we were playing music on the attic) and all others from our families (cash for instruments and so on...)! We would also like to say thanks to all of the bands from whom we stole ideas for our songs, such as: Sham 69,The Clash, Mano Negra, Spy Club, Mud Sharks, Skalariak, Blitz...
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My Interests


Member Since: 13/03/2007
Band Members: Ref-guitar, Joca-bass,Zex-drums, Mare-keybords, Lung-trumpet, Ogy-trombone, Jeca - Sax, Zulj- Accordion, Mishe - Violin , Fefe-vocal
Influences: The Clash,Mano Negra,Specials,Bluekilla,Madness,Skaos,Ska-P,Skalariak,Skapa rapid etc.
Sounds Like: Samostalni Referenti
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

13 godina rada u ilegali

Jos uvek puca adrenalin od sinoc...par sati spavanja i sredjivanje utisaka u glavi...Kakav koncert!!!Ne znam da li postoji bend u Srbiji, a i sire koji nema album, koji toliko dugo nije izbacio spot a...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 03:19:00 GMT

KST Maskenbal

I bese Maskenbal...tradicionalni prednovogodisnji,35i po redu...zajebano je pisati blog o koncertu u Beogradu jer su prave avanture desavaju na putu,na prelasku granice,u sobi gde nas spava desetoro n...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:09:00 GMT

Jesen uz Osjecko i Referente na bini (ugao 2)

ova divna balada pocinje zuljevim dolaskom u beograd, nakon sto se najeo domacih srpskih cevapa i popio domace rakije i prosetao kalemegdanom i izgubio se medju svim tim guzicama i sisama i popio pola...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 17:32:00 GMT

Jesen uz Osjecko i Referente na bini (ugao 1)

Ova prica ide iz dva ugla jer 4 oka vide bolje nego 2,2 mozga misle bolje nego 1 a i verovatnije je da nemaju prekide bas nas istim mestima... Cela prica pocinje sa Zuljevim dolaskom u Beograd i kako ...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 17:18:00 GMT

Kst Beograd i UFO Osijek

Dragi prijatelji,evo konacno i jednog bloga za sve vas,da malo citate i sirite vokabular u ove letnje dane. Razlog ovolikom razmaku izmedju dva posta je u tome sto smo i mi postili sto se tice koncera...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:35:00 GMT

Lazarevac i Novi Sad

I kao u stara dobra vremena,povezasmo mi dva koncerta u dva dana... Bese Lazarevac u petak 14.marta tekuce 2008 godine...skupismo se mi u kuci kod Lunga da utovarimo opremu gde nas saceka dobri i plem...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:20:00 GMT

Koncert u Osijeku

Kao sto je i obecano juce,evo nasih utisaka sa koncerta u Osijeku i par "dogodovstina". Dogovor je bio da se krene na put u 14h-medjutim,posto smo mi tako sjajno organizovani,krenuli smo tek oko 15h.R...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:13:00 GMT


u Osijeku 01.12.07 Klub Mini Teatar
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:15:00 GMT