The V-Roys, Mic Harrision and The Faults, Smokin' Dave and the Premo Dopes, Sea 7 States, The Who, The Beatles, The Beach Boys/Brian Wilson, The Smithereens, The Wiyos, John Cage, Dave Edmunds with and without Nick Lowe, The Stanley Brothers, The Byrds and their spinoffs, Cheap Trick, The Clash, Devo, Gary US Bonds, Little Steven and the Discyples of Soul, Madness, Dreams So Real, Kraftwerk, The Five Man Electrical Band, K-Tel Records, Rocky Top, bluegrass, powerpop, ridiculous covers I record in my spare time
Monty Python's Holy Grail, Payback, This Is Spinal Tap, O Brother Where Art Thou?, The Big Lebowski, The Pink Panther (the first 4), The Sound of Music, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Matrix (but definitely not the two sequels)
Arrested Development, Dr. Who, Desperate Housewives, X-Files, The Red Green Show, The Simpsons, Lost in Space, The Partridge Family, The Monkees, Quantum Leap, Star Trek (but only TOS & STNG), Sponge Bob Square Pants, Kolchack: The Night Stalker, The League of Gentlemen, Sportscenter, The Daily Show
Too many to even list - I work in a library!