7845821Rate my poem, Go here help me win an ipod:-)))Just a small notification about my life in the last 5yrs:i moved in Ireland,for a new beginning and i start going down the slope.It wasn't all bad,nice things happened too,but the main thing is that:
1year ago -starting from may 2006(something major happened,that shaked my world)till apr 2007.... hard parting,getting my life to the edge,between life and death...loosing my identity,my hope,my "light", till i've reached the lowest point of my entire existence and being way over the humans limits!
I was lost,nothing left of that beautiful flower...the mind's power is very strong-can give u life or can distroy the life...
After 3days of delirium,struggling for my life,wich didn't mean anything to me at that stage...i've realized something that maked me want to put my life back on track:
i become aware of the inner-self,wich didn't come from egoism,the blind wish to survive BUT from unfulfillment of the self,the main purpose of this one self.
Ofcourse the self purpose is diferent for every self,u just have to become aware and constient of it...
I was reborned from ashes...ashes of something that i didn't need.
Nobody said life it's easy and nobody said is going to be that hard...but we have to go ahead,either we want or not,because we re going to learn the lessons sooner or later,in an easy way or the hard way.As long as this world is alive...we re keep going with our wish or without...Just to let you know...all my friends and enemies!! i'm moved to London and maybe next year to Hollywood...jokeing as my 2 close friends from my country are jokeing all the time they now who they are ...anyway kiss u all xxxxxx
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