I'm a foodie baker nerd bookworm fashionist oriented organic tree hugger spoiled brat lover idealist melodramatic shopaholic.I was born during a blackout. When i was about 4years old, I swear I saw a unicorn in the clouds. I remember guerillas shooting machine guns in the air in the street while I was in a restaurant with my parents using the restroom. I know how to shoot a gun, I took a class. I know how to barely speak understandable chinese and my basic french is passable. I've been to Hong Kong and I ate the best dim sum there.
My boyfriend and I have gone speed boating on the super blue waters of Cozumel where we went to a private beach and ate the best damn tacos we've ever had. I want to go backpacking in France. I swear I saw a silver UFO in the sky when I was in 5th grade. My parents made the American Dream..
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BLOODELF Warlock - Bloodyrose on Chromaggus