Video games, art, kicking back, comedy, random thoughts
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy VII
some form of intelligent life, which cancels out 90% of the american population
Hepcat, Slackers, RxBandits, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Norah Jones, Sublime, Reel Big Fish, Distillers, Dashboard, Beck, Eels, Cake, Fall Out Boy, Specials, ska, good punk, jazz, rock, some hip hop/pop
Kevin Smith (most of them)Little Miss Sunshine, Harry Potter, LotR, Office Space
Frisky Dingo, Frisky Dingo, Frisky DingoHeroes, Office, Earl, NBC, Family Guy, 24, Aquateen, Futurama, Robot Chicken, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Lost
Xanth Series (not like anybody would know what the hell that's supposed to be), comics
George W. Bush