object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="500" width="400" align="middle" data="http://www.treborwear.com/newfridge.swf?user=SWEETLILH UNNI"
you silly... just kidding! If i don't ever meet anyone else I'll be OK because the people I know right now are amazing! They are my true inspirationsI got this layout from totallylayouts.com
I love funny movies and cheesy love stories
i like a lot f different tv shows...I love love love! Famly Guy thotype="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" flashvars="userID=16777272&bgColor=10079487&bgColor2 =10079487&transitionSpeed=4&transitionStyle=b&sh owCaptions=1&albumID=1040758" width="445" height="230" name="slider" align="middle"/
I'm all about the nursery rhymes now
my mommy...(don't laugh)
List 20 friends in random order:
1. michelle
2. asia
3. latoya
4. desiree
5. tanisha
6. lauren
7. james
8. marcus
9. ryan
10. magen
11. carl
12. jennifer
13. mellissa
14. jah.de
15. nicole
16. shaun
17. jayson
18. julie
19. kevin
20. tempestt
Now answer the following:
how did you meet 13? at skool/ senior trip
what would you do if you never met 5? cry
have you ever liked 3? umm lets be real
what do you honestly think of 10? she's a great drinkin buddy!
would or did 19 and 8 go out? wow I hope not!
if 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing you would need him/her to know? that Iwas sorry for getting drunk and flirting with "J"
would 2 and 11 make a good couple? maybe, they're both great ppl
describe 6 in three words: bossy! smart, strong
do you think 12 is beautiful? of course
would 1 and 17 ever go out? hell no
what do you think of when you see 8? can't tell you that
tell me something humiliating about 11: i dunno
do you know any of 7's family members? nope
what is 20's favorite color? purple
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? I'
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? 11
what would you do if 4 just professed their undying love for you? slap her
what language does 19 speak? chinese
who is 8 going out with? who knows
does 2 have any siblings? yep
is 15 single? nope
what is 10's fantasy? to be alone in a room filled with dranky dranks
&..39;what school does 16 go to?' fort
where does 9 live? cross the street
would you makeout with 13? negative
how did you meet 15? skool
what grade is 17 in? 12
when is the last time you talked to 12? my last day of skool
what is 3's favorite band? hell if i kno
would you date 9? who knows