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I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey everyone! I'm Armi, I'm 20 years old and living in Los Angeles Califorinia from Florida and well lets just say, I deffinately miss all my friends and family from back home!...Moved out here for modeling and its been going good, was sontacted by an agency in NYC and have been signed with them ever since, I'm not a big deal and I'm not better than anyone. I'm just Me. Being superficial,and Materialistic will only fade when your "material Items" Get old,and you lose your Looks with time. Being truly happy comes with hard work,and Dedication. Well I love a good conversation about anything and everything, I loath people who do not posses depth or passion. and people who judge.I like open minded people, life is to short not to at least try to experience everything and anything you can... I'm very outspoken and sarcastic best advise I can give when approaching me is don't take the things I say personal, I can dish out allot of shit and I can take it back! Lets see what else I'm very driven, and very outgoing. Wow everything I said sounds negative...on a brighter side I'm very giving if you are close to me...I have awesome friends down South that i miss and think about everyday, I <3 you Marshall, Kaylee, Heather! I deff want to move back down to florida but for now im going to have to make the most of this place. Ive been pretty laid back all my life and barely ever get mad and if i do...well you probably wouldn't even notice!!! Im into sports like Volleyball, Track, Crosscountry, Hockey, and skimboarding and always willing to try new things. The Beach is my life and if it was up to me id be there every day lol but i cant so beach volleyball on the weekends is fine with me. Im really up to meeting anyone, im a really easy person to get along with so message me or catch me on aim-- Beachyarmi

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet .U.N.I.Q.U.E.P.E.O.P.L.E

My Blog

Best Friends, Family, Time

Isn't it funny how things can change in an instant, or change over time and your just the idiot that didn't see the clues right in front of you!My 2008 year i spent it in california pursuing what i wa...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:59:00 GMT

The History of RIME Magazine (Armi)

In September of 2002, 19-year old Jason Flores put the very first issue of RIME Magazine on stands, with only 2,000 copies distributed. After securing a small Santa Fe, New Mexico distributor, he cont...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 15:42:00 GMT

American Apparel Commercial!

Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:58:00 GMT

Kaylees letter to me

armi,you have been my best fwend for a while an i remember when i first met you. at the end of one of the everglades football games with i called you my best friend and we went to kirks pool ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 15:50:00 GMT

And i am war after ten years of fighting...

The Better Way And i am war after ten years of fightingi am there after every time you hear bad newsi am not a flame with seven years of lighting and i need you just like they doi am windows breaking ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 16:54:00 GMT

reason Danielle sais i cant be a life guard

Let's see you cant be a lifeguard for a billion reasons!!1. You're So DumbIf someone were in serious trouble you would be like wtf do i do?????2. CPR do you even know what that means?3. Oh and being a...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 20:02:00 GMT