A revolution is happening in our generation. We see the strife in the world as generations before ours could not--whether a terrorist attack or a tsunami, we watch the devastation of such tragedies play-by-play, and it moves us. But how do we apply our energy to alleviate the suffering of those around us? Especially when we're busier than ever and less able to give of our time to serve just causes at home and around the globe?
The Revolution: A field manual for changing your world will equip socially conscious twentysomethings to fight against the world's top 12 most pressing social justice issues. Twelve narrative articles written by experts in their respective fields will inspire young adults to take action on local, national and international levels--serving others with the heavenly, God-ordained weapons of charity, love, peace and willful self-sacrifice to serve others. Using the richness of our talents (knowing that only God can eradicate all the world's ills in His time) while we're here on this earth, we can each fulfill His ultimate command to love and serve our neighbors.
Buy it online at
www.mysterionbooks.com .
Learn more about Heather Zydek at www.heatherzydek.com .