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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hiii, I'm Jamesy
First of all, I love my friends.
Connie, I have no words to literally fit you
You're mine, I'm yours, that's all I need to know
alkcvm aldo;kvcjnakdjfha;dlkfja.. haha
Sammy Jean, You've always been there, when I've done stupid things, and just whatever, Love you!
Devon, You're different, but it's cool. You knock me across the head when I'm doin something wrong. You're my bro.
Those are my true friends, and I'd love to meet more

I love to write, it's my passion. Along with music, it's my life. I'm a musician, I play guitar and I loooove it
I'm a really easy guy to chill with, I'm down with anything

That's me and what I love
Hit me up if you wanna talk
[email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've already met her =)

My Blog

Okay, enough of this

ALRIIIGHT NOW I'm tired of all the people saying "I'm depressed, feel sorry for me" If you were seriously depressed, you wouldn't be doing anything at all You might not even know what it's like to be ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 17:41:00 GMT